Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Comic Book geek, lover, writer!


halle storm X-Men: Days of Future Past reunites the casts of the original X-Men trilogy and X-Men: First Class.

Halle Berry reprises her role as Storm in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Berry and her castmates from the first trilogy join the cast of X-Men: First Class for director Bryan Singer.


The Oscar winner talks about the scope of this sequel/prequel.


“I think it’s big because there are so many X-Men in the movie. There’s the young X-Men and there’s the X-Men that started it all off. Just so many X-Men!” Berry tells Total Film. Continue reading Halle Berry on X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Cast

Grant Morrison on BATMAN, INC Finale Cliffhanger

Batman Incorporated #6 courtesy DC Comics
Batman Incorporated #6 courtesy DC Comics

Grant Morrison’s epic Batman era is over. The Batman, Incorporated #13 finale may have left you frustrated, freaked or extremely satisfied. No matter how you feel you can agree it was eventful and paves the way for darker stories ahead for the Dark Knight.


Why did the acclaimed writer end his run this way?


Before I continue I must give a…





If you have not read BATMAN, INCORPORATED #13 yet stop reading this post now. Continue reading Grant Morrison on BATMAN, INC Finale Cliffhanger


courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

Black Adam is one of the classic foes stealing the spotlight in Villains Month this September.

DC Comics shared a preview of Black Adam and the New 52 debut of other fan-favorite characters in his pantheon designed by Edgar Salazar:


“If you’ve read Justice League #22, you might be wondering how Black Adam will be starring in his own Villains Month one-shot come this September.

After all (spoilers ahead!), Continue reading BLACK ADAM in VILLAINS MONTH Preview

Kid Apocalypse in Friday Flashback!

Emerald City Comicon photo by
Emerald City Comicon photo by

All the exciting X-Men: Days of Future Past news and reveals this week inspired today’s Friday Flashback!


Director Bryan Singer and the Trask Industries viral website revealed revealed pics and specs for those mutant hunting robots the mutants will fight in next year’s film.


You can spot a Sentinel cosplayer and many famous mutants in this rap music video by Kid Apocalypse earlier this year at Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon. Continue reading Kid Apocalypse in Friday Flashback!

Bryan Singer and Sentinel on X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Set

courtesy @BryanSinger via Twitter
courtesy @BryanSinger via Twitter

Director Bryan Singer shared a photo op with the X-Men’s most relentless enemy! The director tweeted this pic of a Sentinel from the set of X-Men: Days of Future Past. This shows just how big the mutant hunting robots will be in the sequel.


On the new Trask Industries website (a viral site for the fictional company in the film that manufactures the robots) the stats show the specs for the mutant hunting enemies but this pic really shows perspective.


The bigger they are…they harder they crash when Colossus and Wolverine launch a fastball special! Let’s hope we get to see Hugh Jackman and Daniel Cudmore execute that classic move next year.


By Editor