Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Ben Affleck is the new BATMAN

Batman #18 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #18 courtesy DC Comics

Ben Affleck will play Batman opposite Henry Cavill as Superman in the Man of Steel sequel. The film is still untitled but Warner Brothers announced it will be released July 17, 2015.


It’s Batman Beyond our control now fanboys and fangirls so let’s focus on the why this is a good choice for the next Dark Knight:


The Town: Affleck wrote, directed and starred in one of the best crime dramas in recent years. You could think of Affleck’s Doug McRay as a Bruce Wayne without the billions. The dark conflicted criminal was a physical menace Continue reading Ben Affleck is the new BATMAN

Relic’s Origin Revealed In GREEN LANTERN

Relic courtesy DC Comics
Relic courtesy DC Comics

A new bad guy is muscling in on Villains Month!


Relic is the new enemy introduced by the new Green Lantern creative team.


Since the big creative changes the Green Lantern books featured a black-and-white variant cover by Rags Morales telling a small piece of Relic’s origin story.


This September’s GREEN LANTERN #23.1: RELIC, all of the covers will be collected – fully lettered, in color, and with additional new pages revealing the full story of this mysterious villain’s origin. Continue reading Relic’s Origin Revealed In GREEN LANTERN

Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon?

Guardians of the Galaxy #3 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #3 courtesy Marvel

Is Marvel recruiting the world’s sexiest man alive (according to People magazine once upon a time) to be the voice of Rocket Raccoon?


Rocket Raccoon and Groot (a living tree) are the only members left of Guardians of the Galaxy to be cast.


Latino Review reports that director James Gunn wants Bradley Cooper (The Hangover) to be the voice of the scruffy alien. The site reports Marvel has made Cooper an offer. Continue reading Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon?

X-MEN #4 Celebrates the Past and Future

X-Men #4 by Terry Dodson courtesy Marvel
X-Men #4 by Terry Dodson courtesy Marvel

X-Men #4 is one of those “in-between” issues. It’s the aftermath of Primer, Brian Wood’s stunning first arc with Olivier Coipel and the prelude to Battle of the Atom which will tie into the other main X-books.  This stand-alone issue may be seen as a time moment to catch your breath but it’s a wonderful chapter of character development and drama demonstrating why we love the mutants.


Jubilee is a crossroads. The mutant turned vampire is adopting the mysterious orphan from the first arc as her own son. Wolverine joins Jubilation Lee on a journey into the past as she decides on her future. Brian Wood takes us back to the very place where we first met Jubilee (then a spunky mall rat) and she first met the Children of the Atom. Continue reading X-MEN #4 Celebrates the Past and Future


Batman and Nightwing #23 courtesy DC Comics
Batman and Nightwing #23 courtesy DC Comics

Could Batman have saved Robin?


Damian Wayne died in Batman, Incorporated but the aftermath has continued in the excellent Batman and Robin series by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason. Since Robin’s death the series became Batman and a guest star as members of the Batman family joined Bruce in the road to recovery.


This week’s Batman and Nightwing #23 is the final steps to acceptance. It’s violent, painful and demonstrates the lasting power of Bruce and Richard.


I don’t want to give away the story twists and the emotional finale but I will tell this is an incredible issue for fans of Dick Grayson as he comes back to the Batcave for one final fight with Continue reading BATMAN AND NIGHTWING #23 The Final Fight

Joker’s New Recruit

courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

It’s a blast into the Joker’s past for Villains Month!


DC Comics shared Andy Clarke’s design for The Joker and teased an unexpected Batman villain will be appear in BATMAN #23.1: JOKER.



Today DC Comics Editor Bob Harras revealed that rogue is Jackanapes (last seen in BATMAN, INCORPORATED #5.)


BATMAN #23.1: JOKER takes place many years ago Continue reading Joker’s New Recruit


Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in The Avengers courtesy
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in The Avengers courtesy

Samuel L. Jackson puts on the patch and leather jacket for the sixth time as Nick Fury in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Jackson joins Chris Evans as Steve Rogers and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow for the film based on the popular Ed Brubaker storyline.


Jackson tells USA Today we’ll see a different side of Fury in the sequel: Continue reading Nick Fury in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER

X-FORCE vs. AVENGERS Final Showdown?

Cable and X-Force #13 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #13 courtesy Marvel

Cable’s X-Force (Colossus, Domino, Boom Boom, Forge, Dr. Nemesis) and the Uncanny Avengers been circling each other like boxers in a ring but the final showdown is coming in Cable and X-Force #13. Marvel shared a first look inside the issue.


Writer Dennis Hopeless says don’t count Cable’s team out just because they up against some of the Avengers and X-Men’s heaviest hitters:


“There’s no denying that the Avengers are the safe bet here but it does say X-Force on the cover,” he notes. “Colossus is no slouch in a brawl, Domino and Boom Boom are both pretty scrappy and the X-Force science team of Dr. Nemesis and Forge always [has] a few tricks up their sleeves. We’ll see what they come up with,” Hopeless tells Continue reading X-FORCE vs. AVENGERS Final Showdown?