Artist Andy Kubert returns to the world he co-created with Grant Morrison in Batman #666 in which an adult Damian is the Dark Knight of an apocalyptic Gotham City.
Bruce’s son was killed as a casualty of war between the Dark Knight and Damian’s mother, Talia Al Ghul. It was part of Morrison’s endgame since taking over Batman.
The final countdown is on for the final chapter of the Deadpool Killology. Cullen Bunn is one of Marvel’s best go-to writer for outrageous action stories packed with humor (Deadpool, Fearless Defenders.) Bunn’s grand finale comes this week in Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4.
The Merc With a Mouth has racked up a massive body count in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool Killustrated and Deadpool Kills Deadpool. Bunn talked with about the bloody, funny race to finish as Wade kills his way through an army of doppelgangers. Continue reading DEADPOOL KILLS DEADPOOL #4
It all comes down to this all-star, game-changing issue!
Here’s a first look inside Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel.
Artist Jim Cheung joins writer Jonathan Hickman for the final chapter.
Earth isn’t the only “Avengers World” anymore! Alien races are united in an Avengers Universe! Only with their combined might can Earth’s Mightiest Heroes make their final stand against the Builders. Continue reading INFINITY Finale Preview!
Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe #1 courtesy Marvel
Longshot’s luck did not run out with The End of X-Factor. The former X-Man stars in his own limited series Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe by writer Christopher Hastings and artist Jacopo Camagni. Longshot’s mullet it gone and he’s got chops.
Hastings says the hero with “good luck” powers will save Marvel from everything from “super powered serial killers to totalitarian government regimes to the total destruction of reality” in a new interview.
Longshot was created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams in their classic limited series then adopted by Chris Claremont’s X-Men for a long run before joining Peter David’s X-Factor. With such a strange origin and past Hastings tells viewers the simple reason to check out this new beginning for the hero. Continue reading LONGSHOT Saves The Marvel Universe Preview
As we count down to Halloween I want to share some “so good they’re scary” comic book stories you should give a try…if you dare!
One of my all-time favorite Spider-Man stories is Kraven’s Last Hunt. This classic final showdown between Peter Parker and Sergei Kravinoff was also known as Fearful Symmetry.
An obsessed killer and a monster in the sewer are classic horror movie elements and drive this comic book tale of terror. Of all of Spidey’s horrific costumed villains it’s the pure insanity of Kraven’s eyes and sense of purpose that give me chills. Continue reading HALLOWEEN COUNTDOWN Scary Spider-Man Story
Here’s a preview of Quantum and Woody #5 – the first issue of “In Security,” an all-new story arc from James Asmus (Thief of Thieves) and fan favorite artist Ming Doyle (Mara.)
Here’s the description from Valiant:
“Imbued with unpredictable new superpowers in the wake of an energy experiment gone wrong, Eric and Woody Henderson have just had their lives turned upside down – and they need to “klang” together every 24 hours or else their atoms will disperse. So what do you do when the most annoying person in your life is also the only thing keeping you alive? You move in with him! And his goat. And his barely legal clone girlfriend. Besides, every team of heroes needs a secret headquarters…and this one has a slightly used hot tub. Plus: Quantum gets a job – and meets his first true blue super-villain! Continue reading QUANTUM AND WOODY #5 Preview
Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel
New uniform. New questions about S.H.I.E.L.D.
Old friend as a new enemy.
The first trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier is here.
It’s an action packed, conspiracy themed thriller with a first look at Anthony Mackie as Falcon (complete with wings) and Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce, a superior and rival to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) in S.H.I.E.L.D.