Young Avengers was missing from Marvel’s February previews. It’s not Loki’s fault! The critically acclaimed series from writer Kieron Gillen and artist Jamie McKelvie will end with January’s issue.
Gillen confirmed via his tumblr that it’s the end…of the season.
“Those who closely follow solicits have noted the absence of Young Avengers from the just-released February set. They’ve been wondering if that’s the end of our run.
Wolverine and the X-Men #4 cover courtesy
Is the Jean Grey School closing up?
In the just release Marvel previews for February Wolverine and the X-Men #41, #42 come with the teaser “School’s Out Forever. Final Issues.” and the following “it’s the end of the year for the Jean Grey School. Where do our graduates go from here? And who will have survived the experience?”
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The darker side of the fan-favorite X-Man will be unleashed in 2014!
Paul Cornell and Alan Davis are killing it with Killable – the current storyline in which Logan has lost his mutant healing factor and fighting a mind-controlling virus.
Marvel will relaunch Logan’s solo series with a brand new Wolverine #1 this February. Superior Spider-Man artist Ryan Stegman joins Cornell for the first arc of the new series and he’s given Logan a new costume. Continue reading WOLVERINE New Costume, New Job