Chris Pratt plays Star-Lord in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy but you might think he’s a mutant with his ability to gain and lose weight for roles. The Parks and Recreation star plays a supporting role to Vince Vaughn in Delivery Man but next year he’s the leading man for the “Avengers in space” epic.
Pratt tells Huffington Post he felt he was right for Peter Quill, the human pilot who becomes leader of a squad of alien heroes.
“For me it felt like a perfect fit right off the bat. I felt like at my very first audition that I nailed it, but, I was afraid that I wasn’t physically right for it because I was still pretty big from this movie. And so I just thought, Continue reading Chris Pratt on Becoming Star-Lord in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY
Lady Deathstrike is back with a vengeance in X-Men #7 this week. Brian Wood kicks off a brand new arc for the all-female X-Men squad in the aftermath of Battle of the Atom.
An unlikely alliance from Valiant. Two very different books, very different teams together for a showdown.
“Mission: Improbable” – a four-part crossover event beginning this March in Archer & Armstrong #18 and Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps #20.
As revealed today at IGN, “Mission: Improbable” will unite the ongoing Archer & Armstrong creative team of Fred Van Lente and Pere Perez with Bloodshot and H.A.R.D Corps co-writers Christos Gage and Joshua Dysart and incoming artist Tom Raney for an action-packed melee through the espionage-laden underground of the Valiant Universe!
Fantastic Four art by Leonard Kirk courtesy Marvel
Writer James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk are the new creative team on Marvel’s First Family. An all-new Fantastic Four #1 arrives in February, 2014. The acclaimed writer tells he’s orchestrating the Fall of the Fantastic Four:
“I think it was Grant Morrison that said a gentleman writer comes on a book, duly messes everything up for the characters, but then puts it back together again at the end the way he left it. So absolutely I intend to put the team through hell Continue reading James Robinson on the Fall of the FANTASTIC FOUR
A super team divided! A hero must die! A warrior becomes an emperor!
Here’s a first look at what’s coming from Valiant in February 2014.
Written by MATT KINDT
UNITY divided!
Here comes heavyweight showdown you’ve been waiting for! As Harada’s secret machinations come to light, the newly minted UNITY team will be faced with a choice that will change this team forever – and the Valiant Universe along with it. Get ready for a world-shaking battle royale as the final installment of UNITY’s first adventure pits X-O Manowar and Toyo Harada against the most dangerous battalion ever united – and each other. Continue reading Valiant Comics February 2014 Preview
Suddenly you might wonder will GLBT characters have a home in the All-New Marvel Now?
Mutant lovers Rictor and Shatterstar are not part of the All-New X-Factor series. The previous volume earned a GLAAD Media Award for the portrayal of this couple rocky’s romance.
Astonishing X-Men #51 is famous for the landmark wedding of openly gay X-Man Northstar to Kyle Jinadu. Lesbian mutant Karma was part of this team, too but now that series is over. Continue reading Gay in the All-New Marvel Now?