Valiant reveals a huge initiative launching several brand new one series and team-ups. The VALIANT FIRST Initiative launched with RAI #1. The new publishing initiative will unleash a major #1 new series debut monthly throughout 2014, beginning this May with RAI #1. The all-new ongoing series from writer Matt Kindt will have fully painted interiors by artist Clayton Crain.
“The defining goal of VALIANT FIRST is to give readers clear and accessible jumping-on points into Valiant’s award-winning publishing line,” said Valiant Executive Editor Warren Simons. “Over the past two years, Valiant’s approach to the craft and business of comics has been widely imitated throughout the industry. Continue reading VALIANT FIRST Includes RAI, DR. MIRAGE, ARMOR HUNTERS
An All-New X-FORCE blasts into the All-New Marvel Now this week.
Here’s the team breakdown from writer Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy) breaks from starting with the time-traveling one-man mutant militia known as Cable: Continue reading X-FORCE Team Breakdown
All-New X-Factor #3 Peter David is back blazing a trail of action, humor and twists in the this latest incarnation of X-Factor. Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit are professional heroes working for a mysterious internet and weapons corporation that “just wants to help people.” What’s Gambit’s real agenda?
In the aftermath of the Cable and X-Force vs. Uncanny X-Force crossover Vendetta– this is the now the one and only X-Force book.
Writer Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy, Numbercruncher) and artist Rock He-Kim are the creative team chronicling the covert X-team’s adventures.
Rosters change but X-Force always is the pro-active, clandestine unit of the X-Men doing what X-Men can’t…sometimes taking out their enemies before they can attack mutants.
She-Hulk has been an Avenger, Defender, Fantastic Four member while balancing her busy law practice…and love life.
Now Jennifer Walters stars in a new book by Charles Soule and Javier Pulido coming out Wednesday.
“She-Hulk has always been a title where weird, cool things can happen,” Soule told USA Today . “She is a strong — very strong — female character, and comics absolutely cannot have too many of those.
“There’s no reason Jennifer Walters can’t be iconic, and we’re going to do what we can to make that happen.” Continue reading SHE-HULK Preview
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 courtesy Marvel
Rick Remender heats up the Cold War with an untold tale of lost S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and the Winter Soldier’s past.
Bucky Barnes made the ultimate sacrifice in World War II but Captain America’s sidekick would be rescued and resurrected as the ultimate killing machine.