Alex + Ada #4 The story of boy and his android girl takes a twist in Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn’s gorgeous and haunting sci-fi love story. Alex makes a decision affecting Ada forever.
Amazing X-Men #4 Mutants going through Heaven and Hell to rescue Nightcrawler’s soul from beyond! Wolverine and Northstar are trapped in a frozen purgatory, Kurt just reunited with Storm aboard a demon pirate ship when a possessed Beast was about to feast on him! Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness continue their strange, fun supernatural odyssey to bring a beloved mutant back home. Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for February 19, 2014
The first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer debuts during Jimmy Kimmel Live Tuesday night and Marvel revealed more about the plot in a USA Today story.
Chris Pratt is Peter Quill – the human who will become known as Star-Lord. Zoe Saldana is the green-skinned alien, Gamora. Dave Bautista is Drax. Bradley Cooper is the voice of Rocket Raccoon. Vin Diesel is the voice of Groot, the living tree. The team of unlikely heroes unites in a space prison and will become part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe – including Thanos – last seen in The Avengers.Continue reading CHRIS PRATT on STAR-LORD in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY
Marvel shared a look inside Fantastic Four #2. Writer James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk are new team on Marvel’s First Family. Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny are sporting red instead of their signature blue as the new series blasts off.
Robinson has said he’s plotting the Fall of the Fantastic Four and this second issue shows the Richards family may have paid the price for saving New York City from alien invaders.
The mystery man behind the scenes in Valiant Universe gets the spotlight right before a major new storyline.
Valiant presents a preview of Harbinger: Bleeding Monk #0 – an all-new, standalone introduction into the world of Toyo Harada’s Harbinger Foundation from writer Joshua Dysart (Harbinger Wars) and an all-star cast of artists, including Mico Suayan , Khari Evans, Stephen Segovia, and Lewis LaRosa. Continue reading HARBINGER: BLEEDING MONK #0 First Look
All-New Captain Marvel #1 takes Carol Danvers even higher as the fan-favorite goes cosmic. Carol’s deep space adventures mean new friends, enemies, a new home and potentially a new love.
Marvel shared a first look at All-New Captain Marvel #1 by new artist David Lopez. You can remember Lopez’s work from X-Men with Brian Wood.
Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick tells Carol Corps fans and potential new readers what to expect from Captain Marvel’s new mission. Continue reading CAPTAIN MARVEL #1 Preview
The new Lady Deathstrike will stop at nothing to destroy the X-Men and take over the world with an ancient power source.
But Arkea will not be possessed.
The all-female X-team written by Brian Wood now face the Sisterhood, more dead enemies resurrected….and a whole army of rebooted Sentinels under Arkea’s control this week in X-Men #11. Continue reading X-MEN #11 ENEMIES RESURRECTED