Baby Groot goes solo. A new chapter in the twisted Hulk/Wolverine history. It’s all in this new comic picks of the week kicking off with a uniting of Valiant’s dark warriors:
Rapture #1 courtesy Valiant Entertainment
Rapture #1 A supernatural showdown with two warring armies. A teen girl is Earth’s last hope but this mystic calls on Ninjak, Shadowman and Punk Mambo to stop the rise of an Elder God out to seize Heaven. Matt Kindt and Cafu continue Valiant’s ICONS line with this epic team up of new and classic heroes. Continue reading NEW COMICS PICKS For May 24, 2017
Can you feel the shockwaves across DC fandom?! The Flash #22 is here. The finale of The Button, picking up the mystery launched in DC Universe Rebirth #1 last summer with a HUGE revelation.
Sony revealed via Twitter Hardy will play Eddie Brock in a Venom film slated for October 5, 2018 with production starting in the fall. The actor sported a t-shirt featuring the villain, and a shaved head in a photo on the post. Continue reading TOM HARDY As VENOM
A year of Ghost Rider, LMDs turned and a Framework of a dark mirror world with Hydra in control and Grant Ward resurrected. All the Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season four story lines came together for an action and emotion packed finale. And that out of this world cliffhanger!
Agents of SHIELD season 4 cast courtesy Marvel
Supernatural and super scary technology threats weaved the season’s three arcs into the season ender World’s End. But what about that ending? What does it mean for Team Coulson and the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD Season Four Cliffhanger Questions
Gambit rejoins mutant heroes in X-Men: Gold #4 this week.
But Gambit is often more anti-hero – and guilty of villainous acts. The rogue has redeemed but it’s hard not to forget his shady past.
Gambit #3 courtesy Marvel
Gambit’s mutant power is kinetically charging any object but he’s a skilled thief and con man. Remy proved himself a hero, shared a tortured romance with Rogue, friendship with Storm – the first X-Man he met, but hid many secrets and make some shocking moves.
The countdown begins to one of the biggest DC Comics stories ever.
DC Comics announced (via Blastr) DOOMSDAY CLOCK by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank and Brad Anderson coming this November. Johns writes again for the first time since DC Universe Rebirth #1, which kicked off a major mystery.
X-Men ResurrXion rolls on with a new Gen X! The Batman/Flash crossover finale! Luke Cage’s road to revenge! The comeback of Turok, Magnus and more Gold Key icons. It’s all in this new comics picks of the week: