The announcement of a new Thor #1 starring a Goddess of Thunder caused a storm across the realms. A mystery woman will take the place of Thor Odinson. Like a lightning strike, the news inspired thunderous cries of support and criticism.
Whether you love or loathe the concept of this new Thor, what is the significance of a woman as the God of Thunder?
Tony Stark soars to San Francisco with new silver armor and a new agenda in Superior Iron Man #1 this Fall.
Marvel newcomers Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar take on the iconic Avenger following Kieron Gillen’s huge Iron Man run.
The shift comes as Marvel shakes up it’s major icons: new Thor, Goddess of Thunder and Falcon becoming Captain America. Iron Man is the final member of the Avengers Big Three. Continue reading SUPERIOR IRON MAN
Vixens, Vamps & Vipers courtesy Mike Madrid & Exterminating Angel Press
The original bad girls of comics are showcased in their power-hungry glory in Vixens, Vamps & Vipers: Lost Villainesses of the Golden Age of Comics.
Before Catwoman and the Comics Code Authority – there was Madame Doom, Texa, Queen Tuana, He-She, Madame Muscles and more ruthless women willing to seduce, corrupt and kill anyone who stood in their way.
After reintroducing the world to lost heroines in Divas, Dames and Daredevils, author Mike Madrid (The Supergirls) takes us to the dark side with a rogues gallery of fierce females who broke boundaries Continue reading VIXENS, VAMPS & VIPERS Preview
Quesada revealed Rogers will reach out to his former sidekick to take over as the Sentinel of Liberty.
Sam Wilson is known as the Falcon. Wilson was created by Stan Lee and Gene Colan in 1969 and is the first African-America super hero in mainstream comics. Wilson joined the Star-Spangled Avenger in 1972 in the renamed book: Captain America and Falcon. Continue reading FALCON Will Be NEW CAPTAIN AMERICA