Along with Batman #33 the finale of Zero Year and Batman and Robin #33, DC Comics has something special for Batfans of every era for the Dark Knight’s 75th Anniversary today in comic book shops and online.
Here’s the official announcement:
“In celebration of Batman’s 75th anniversary, DC Entertainment is partnering with thousands of comic book retailers and bookstores across the nation to celebrate “Batman Day” on Wednesday, July 23. Continue reading HAPPY BATMAN DAY
Batman #33The Dark Knight vs. The Riddler for the future of Gotham City. The final confrontation in the origin of Batman in The New 52 as Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo deliver the epic conclusion to Zero Year.
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 The Time Lords (as played by David Tennant and Matt Smith) in brand new adventures with new companions. The Tenth arrives in New York Continue reading Top New Comics for July 23, 2014
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
The Eleventh Doctor returns in search of a runaway dog…but this is Doctor Who so this isn’t your usual pet reunion story.
As we wait for the arrival of the Twelfth Doctor’s first full length television adventure, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 gives us a new comic book adventure starring the previous Time Lord played by Matt Smith.
Into our cold, bleak, ordinary lives the Eleventh Doctor bursts in with a colorful, strange, loud entrance. Alice is a sad library assistant in London feeling empty and gray after a family tragedy. Continue reading DOCTOR WHO: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR #1 Advance Review
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
The Tenth Doctor lives on and lands in New York City in a brand new comic book series from Titan Comics. Set after Donna Noble’s tragic exit from the Tardis, the Doctor arrives in the big apple just in time for Halloween and the Mexican Day of the Dead festival.
As the comics world braces for a new Thor, Goddess of Thunder, fans can feel the power of the mutant Goddess of all weather, Storm!
The X-Men leader’s solo adventures begin in Storm #1 this week by Greg Pak (Planet Hulk, Superman/Batman, Action Comics) and artist Victor Ibanez.
Ororo has been leading the all-female X-Men and acting as headmistress in Wolverine and the X-Men. Pak explains the global mission he’s planned foe Storm in the fight to protect her fellow mutants: Continue reading Bracing for STORM #1
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
The first full length episode starring the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) arrives next month. It’s a new era for the 50 year old television series but fans don’t have say goodbye to the Tenth (David Tennant) and Eleventh (Matt Smith.)
Titan Comics launches two new Doctor Who comic books continuing the adventures of the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors.