Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do #2 courtesy Marvel
Sony is looking at launching a female superhero movie in 2017 according to Deadline. The studio controls the Spider-Man films rights. Sinister Six hits 2016. The Amazing Spider-Man 3 was moved to 2018.
Lisa Joy Nolan has been tapped to write a script with Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach producing according to the report.
Marvel bet big on a nearly unknown group of anti-heroes and won bigger.
Guardians of the Galaxy conquered planet Earth with rave reviews. The outer space based renegades deliver a blast of new energy and opportunity into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
We knew we’d meet Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora, Groot and Rocket along with Ronan, Nebula, The Collector and the Nova Corps but writer/director James Gunn packed the films with big surprises that could lead the Marvel movies into even bolder directions.
Writer Nathan Edmondson launched the new series starring two of the deadliest anti-heroes in the Marvel Universe.
This week Natasha Romanoff and Frank Castle’s separate missions bring them together in a two-part crossover.
Will the Widow and Punisher clash when they collide?
Friend From Foe story kicks off in Black Widow #9.
“Frank and Natasha are a really interesting pair to combine together: on the one hand, they seem to exist in the same kind of heroic/antiheroic space in the Marvel Universe, but at some point the similarities stop and the disparity begins, and the tug and pull between those two ends will be at play here,” Edmondson told Marvel.com. Continue reading BLACK WIDOW & PUNISHER Crossover Begins
Guardians of the Galaxy is about to blast the box-office and reveal the far reaches of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Guardians introduces Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora and Groot as the rogues turned rebel heroes against the evil of Thanos, Ronan, Nebula. The James Gunn directed film sets the stage for future cosmic conflict by introducing the Nova Corps including Rhomann Dey and The Collector of The Elders of The Universe.
This week’s Detective Comics Annual is a new chance to see one possible candidate.
A resurrected Damian Wayne is the likeliest candidate. Batman is going to hell (or Apokolips) to try and bring Damian back from the dead in the pages ofBatman and Robin by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason.
Harper Row from Scott Snyder’s Batman run has long been rumored to be a new Robin. In Batman #28 – set 6 months in the future- Snyder revealed Row was a costumed hero called Bluebird.
Darkseid by Jim Lee. Courtesy: The Source, DCComics.com
Trinity War was the big crossover that led to the defeat of the Justice League, and the Forever Evil takeover by the Crime Syndicate.
DC Comics Chief Creative Officer and Justice League writer Geoff Johns teased the next big event via Twitter.
As he pitched Lex Luthor’s continued rise to power and the Doom Patrol in this week’s Justice League #33, he teases The Darkseid War approaches. Continue reading DARKSEID WAR Teased