Marvel will turn its heroes and villains upside down in AXIS. Avengers and X-Men will unite against the threat of the Red Skull. In a preview for Act Two: Inversion, classic villains fight for redemption and some heroes appear to have gone to the dark side.
Characters playing the role of hero, villain and every shade in between make for compelling stories that make us cheer, swoon and declare, “Nooooooo!”
Inspired by Rick Remender’s “recalibration of the moral compass” of our favorite icons in the upcoming event here are mighty Marvel heroes who went from villain to hero.
The X-Men go into orbit as a new creative team kicks off a new arc in X-Men #18. Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim and artist Harvey Tolibao wrap the all-female mutant team into an outer space mystery featuring the return of a classic villain.
When Deathbird shows up floating at The Peak’s door step…or airlock may be more appropriate…S.W.O.R.D. leader Abigail Brand calls in the Children of the Atom. Continue reading X-MEN #18 Review
The first arc of Inhuman comes to a powerhouse close and the stage is set for war.
Black Bolt detonated a bomb to protect Earth from Thanos in Infinity. The Terrigen Mists covered the world ignitning powers and alterting appearances of anyone with a trace of Inhuman DNA. With Black Bolt MIA, Medusa has been trying to save her people, rescue NuHumans and fight new enemies from long-lost Inhuman tribes.
Inhuman #1-3 is a fast-paced, tense hybrid of alien-infused X-Men with Game of Thrones. By the stunning conclusion, we know Black Bolt’s endgame, Medusa’s mission and we have some compelling new heroes to root for especially Inferno. Continue reading INHUMAN & THOR Preview
Chris Pratt as Peter Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy courtesy Marvel
James Gunn is already working on Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
If you have not seen the current film you may want to stop reading…
One of the big mysteries still hanging is who hired Yondu (Michael Rooker) to kidnap Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) from Earth and what’s special about Quill that he could survive the power of the Infinity Gem? Continue reading GUNN Teases GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2 Story
Richard Hatch in Battlestar Galatica courtesy Jet City Comic Show
An original Battlestar Galactica reunion will be a highlight at the back to basics comic show of the Pacific Northwest! Jet City Comic Show announced Richard Hatch will appear at the event on November 8, 2014 in Tacoma. Hatch joins previously announced special guest Dirk Benedict.
Two writers in competition to bring Aquaman to the big screen?
There’s been speculation and reports Jason Mamoa (Games of Thrones, Conan) will play the DC icon in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and then possibly Justice League.
Now Warner Brothers has tapped Kurt Johnstad (300: Rise of An Empire) and Will Beall (Gangster Squad) to write scripts for Aquaman according to Variety. The story goes on to clarify the writers are not co-writing but working on two separate scripts.
An Aquaman film is not slated but Warner and announced several dates from 2016 to 2020 which would include more team and solo films starring heroes of the DC Universe.
Guardians of the Galaxy conquered the planet. Fans of the box-office smash should warp to their local comic book shop for more adventures of Peter Quill.
The Earth man is starring in his own solo series. And imagine this: Quill in a romance with Kitty Pryde? Given the characters are controlled by rival studios we’re not likely to see that cosmic connection on the big screen but you can in comics. Continue reading STAR-LORD & KITTY PRYDE Reunion Preview