The evil A.I. stars in Avengers: Age of Ultron on the big screen and in a new graphic novel, Avengers: Rage of Ultron.
Marvel announced Avengers: Ultron Forever #1, New Avengers: Ultron Forever #1, Uncanny Avengers: Ultron Forever #1 – three oversized special issues by writer Al Ewing (Loki: Agent of Asgard, Mighty Avengers) and legendary artist Alan Davis.
The daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones will play a huge role in a future ruled by Ultron. The roster includes the present day Vision, Black Widow, and new Thor, plus Thor from Walt Simonson’s run in the 80’s, James “Rhodey” Rhodes as Iron Man, a new future Captain America, and a pre-Avengers Hulk. Continue reading AVENGERS vs. ULTRON FOREVER
Chris Claremont’s vision of the X-Men is the core of Fox’s film franchise. The legendary writer guided the Children of the Atom for nearly two decades in comics. The Dark Phoenix Saga, God Loves Man Kills, Days of Future Past, The Wolverine are iconic stories that inspired the film franchise. Claremont is now working on a treatment for Gambit for Fox.
After X-Men: Apocalypse how does Claremont think the film franchise could evolve?
Marvel reveals the map of Battleworld from the upcoming Secret Wars event of 2015.
After multiple teasers of multiple classic storylines, events and alternate worlds – Marvel revealed the new Battleworld as the setting for the new Secret Wars.
It’s the culmination of Jonathan Hickman’s epic 2 year+ Avengers, New Avengers run. After attempting to save Earth from “incursions” from other Earths in rival dimensions do our heroes fail? Is this event the result of “Everything Ends.”
You can see the domain of Apocalypse (from the Age of Apocalypse epic) and The Monarchy of M (from House of M event) plus some surprises “nations” like New Quack City – a reference to Duckworld – home of Howard the Duck?
After a brief post-credits tease in X-Men: Days of Future Past this year the Children of the Atom will be pitted against one of their most powerful enemies.
Born 5,000 years ago in Akkaba – En Sabah Nur was possibly the first human on Earth to possess the mutant gene giving him grey skin, blue lips and various powers including manipulation of molecules and immense strength. Continue reading X-MEN APOCALYPSE Characters For Your Consideration
The excitement begins as the official trailer for Jurassic World is unleashed by Universal Pictures.
Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy) is back to Earth but still caught up in a sci-fi thriller as he hunts and is hunted by dinosaurs instead of bounty hunters! Bryce Dallas Howard and Omar Sy (X-Men: Days of Future Past) are among the cast.
Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed) directed the sequel. Steven Spielberg returns as Executive Producer.
What’s bigger and badder than a T-Rex? Leave to humans to dream up something scarier!
Watch and see why scientists and entrepreneurs never learn! Continue reading JURASSIC WORLD TRAILER
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #5 courtesy Marvel
Daken hated his father while he was alive.
What about now?
Born in tragedy and manipulated by Romulus, Daken became a hate-filled predator obsessed with revenge against his father.
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy follows how the X-Man’s death is affecting his greatest enemies.
Ray Fawkes (Constantine, Trinity of Sin: Pandora) wrote this week’s issue starring Daken.
“After returning from death himself, finding out that his hated—and…loved?—father has died puts an incredible strain on Daken. He needs to find some kind of release from the collision of emotions—something that may surprise everyone,” Continue reading DAKEN’S LOGAN LEGACY Revealed
A junior X-Man jumps up the front burner in Amazing X-Men #13 this week.
“Anole’s deepest fears are unleashed on the streets of New York City” in this tale by James Tynion IV (Batman Eternal).
Nightcrawler and Northstar attempt to save Victor. This marks a reunion between Anole and his mentor Northstar – two of the openly gay Marvel characters.
Anole was part of Northstar’s Alpha Squadron. Jean-Luc and Victor made a connection because of the orientation. Victor and Kurt share a connection because of their appearances due to their mutation. Continue reading From Junior to AMAZING X-MAN