One of the X-Men’s most ruthless and vicious enemies takes on the Children of the Atom in the next big screen adventure.
Oscar Isaac (A Most Violent Year) will play En Sabah Nur in X-Men: Apocalypse and reveals director Bryan Singer’s approach to portraying the classic villain.
“In the early conversations we talked a lot about that [Apocalypse’s distinct point of view and agenda],” Isaac told IGN. “Of course, you read the comic book, and [Apocalypse is] not so shaded with gray — except his face. [Laughs] That’s the only thing gray about him.” Continue reading OSCAR ISAAC On X-MEN:APOCALYPSE
Marvel announced Krysten Ritter will star in AKA Jessica Jones – the new series with Netflix. This all-new 13 episode series will follow Daredevil.
Jessica Jones was introduced in Alias by Brian Michael Bendis (with artist Michael Gaydos) and became a member of his New Avengers run.
Tragedy cut Jessica’s superhero career and she rebuilt her life as a private investigator who got pulled into cases with super heroes and villains in New York City. Jessica would meet and fall in love with Luke Cage, who will star in his own Netflix series.
Chris Pratt (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images for GQ)
Two Marvel Cinematic Universe stars are GQ Men of the Year. It’s a fitting finale to a great year at the box-office for comic book movies.
Guardians of the Galaxy lead Chris Pratt and upcoming Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman are among this year’s honorees.
GQ editor-in-chief Jim Nelson hosted the 19th annual “Men of the Year” Party, celebrating this year’s distinguished honorees featured in the December issue “who have undeniably left their mark in 2014.”
Young Avengers fans are thrilled by news that Cassie Lang will return to the Marvel Universe. Could this signal the return of more original Young Avengers?
Cassie became known as Stature in the Young Avengers after her father’s death in Avengers Disassembled epic. Cassie joined her teammates Wiccan and Speed in their search for answers about their mother Scarlet Witch in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade.
Ryan Reynolds suits up again as Deadpool for new solo movie?
Fox is closing a deal with Reynolds to play Wade Wilson again according to Deadline.
Earlier this year Fox announced a release date for a Deadpool solo movie according to The Hollywood Reporter. The X-Men spinoff is scheduled for February 12, 2016 and will be directed by Tim Miller.
Reynolds played the mutant mercenary in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine and Scott Adkins played the character after his Weapon X engineered transformation into Deadpool. This announcement comes after test footage leaked online. The footage starring Reynolds was shot years ago. Continue reading RYAN REYNOLDS Is DEADPOOL Again?