When cosmic level super villains go to war, you need a God on your side if you’re caught in the crossfire.
DC’s greatest team gets a New God on their side this summer.
The long-awaited Darkseid War is declared in Justice League #41 this June. It’s The ruler of Apokolips vs the Anti-Monitor by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok.
Johns recruits a new member of the team. The DC Comics Chief Creative Officer has written nearly every icon but he hasn’t written this New God. Continue reading NEW GOD of JUSTICE LEAGUE
Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1 courtesy Marvel
Carol Danvers will lead a strike force over the skies of Battleworld in a new Secret Wars: Warzones book.
Marvel announced Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps by writers Kelly Sue DeConnick, Kelly Thompson and artist David Lopez.
The book introduces a new Captain Marvel. In the birth of Battleworld a new Marvel reality and Carol Danvers emerges.
“This is our Carol if the situation had been different,” DeConnick told Marvel.com. “She comes from a different world, but her personality traits are essentially the same.”
“All the core stuff is the same,” Thompson added. “She’s got powers. She’s a hero. She’s a pilot. I think that is one of the things I find most interesting about [this series] actually. She’s a very defined person and changing her environment and circumstances—she’s still that person.” Continue reading CAPTAIN MARVEL & CAROL CORPS In BATTLEWORLD
Superman #41 courtesy DC Comics, a Hero Complex first
DC Comics recruited acclaimed cartoonist Gene Luen Yang (American Born Chinese, Boxers & Saints) to continue the adventures of Superman after Convergence.
Geoff Johns, John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson wrapped up their arc with huge changes for the Man of Steel including new powers, a new costume and a big revelation to a member of the cast.
Is Superman getting a super haircut?
Is the iconic Clark Kent curl history?
Take a look at this cover for Superman #41 – the first issue by Yang and Romita, Jr.
Days of the Future Past is one of the most iconic and influential arcs in X-Men history. In two issues Chris Claremont and John Byrne took us to a dark future in which mutants were hunted, caged or killed by giant Sentinel robots.
An adult Kitty Pryde (with the psionic help of Rachel Summers) went back in time to prevent the assassination that would lead to this nightmare future.
Geoff Johns is revealing new details about the hugely anticipated Justice League: Darkseid War.
The Lord of Apokolips declared war on Earth but the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman and Green Lantern defeated him in the first arc of The New 52.
When DC Comics returns after the two-month Convergence event, the heroes will be caught in the middle of two mega villains: Darkseid vs. Anti-Monitor.
Secret Wars brings heroes from multiple time periods of past.
Marvel revealed a major group of villains will make a major comeback in a new Secret Wars Warzones book.
Marc Guggenheim and Carlos Pacheco will bring back the Squadron Sinister. Imagine a evil version of the Justice League built to take down Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Continue reading SECRET WARS SQUADRON SINISTER
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo will continue their epic Batman run but with major changes a a huge mystery.
The Batman #41 preview teases an all-new Batman making his debut after Endgame and Convergence. As you can see this new Dark Knight is armored up in a new high-tech suit that may even more impressive than Bruce Wayne’s Hellbat. Continue reading WHO IS THE NEW BATMAN?