Kitty…actually Kate Pryde takes center stage as Secret Wars allows fans to see into new Days of Future Past.
Pryde and the last remaining mutants on Earth fight to survive in this Warzone of Battleworld based on the classic arc by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. In this reality mutants are hunted, caged or killed by giant Sentinel robots.
Years of Future Past by Marguerite Bennett and Mike Norton shows us a very different fate for the mutant race. What if Kitty couldn’t travel back and was forced to stay in future and fight for the surviving X-Men?
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 courtesy Marvel
June is known for weddings and it’s a second honeymoon of sorts for Marvel’s friendly married Spider-Man.
The most romantic of all the Secret Wars tie-in books arrives this week with Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows by Dan Slott and Adam Kubert.
One More Day is one of the most controversial stories in Spidey history in how it erased Peter Parker’s marriage to Mary Jane.
In Secret Wars there’s a new world made of remnants of Marvel history and alternate worlds. Renew Your Vows shows us not just what might have been but what is now…Peter married with Mary Jane and with a child.
The future of the X-Men comics is a little more clear. Marvel named Ultimate Comics Senior Editor Mark Paniccia is now Senior Editor of the X-Men books with veteran X-Book Editor Daniel Ketchum back with the mutant books following the departure of Mike Marts.
Paniccia oversaw the Ultimate Comics line but never worked on a X-book. He is currently editing Ultimate End.
Watch for a new Guardians of the Galaxy spinoff to…sprout next week.
Groot will headline his own solo comic book by Jeff Loveness (“Jimmy Kimmel Live!”) and drawn by Marvel Comics newcomer Brian Kesinger (Disney Animation)
The famous talking tree thing from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and hit comic book embarks on a new adventure.
“When Rocket and Groot are on an intergalactic roadtrip and calamity strikes, the two get separated – and for the first time in years, Groot’s on his own!” Continue reading Inside GROOT #1
Three Doctors. Three companions. One giant mystery across time and space.
As you can see the “War Doctor” is back!
Here’s a first look inside Doctor Who: Four Doctors #1 – the first chapter of a crossover from Titan Comics.
This 5-part weekly event by writer Paul Cornell (Wolverine, Captain Britain and MI:13) and artist Neil Edwards, stars Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors and their comics companions!
Sam Humphries (Legendary Star-Lord) left StarKat fans with a romantic cliffhanger with The Black Vortex finale. The Guardian/X-Man romance really faces cosmic consequences as Secret Wars throws every Marvel past, present and future up in the air.
Humphries shared issue one art from Marvel newcomer Alti Firmansyah and answered fan questions about the upcoming Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde in a special Marvel chat event. As we’ve seen from the cover, Quill is facing the wrath of the Age of Apocalypse Kitty.
“We’ve seen how Peter and Kitty’s relationship develops pre-Secret Wars, but what happens when you swap out the Kitty we know and love with a VERY different Kitty from Age of Apocalypse?” Humphries said of the Kitty switch. Continue reading STAR-LORD & KITTY PRYDE Preview
Will Star Trek’s Chris Pine beam down to Earth for Warner Brothers and DC Comics Wonder Woman film opposite Gal Gadot.
Pine is in talks to join the project as Steve Trevor according to Variety although the studio did not comment. Patty Jenkins is directing the solo film starring the Amazon warrior.
In comics Steve Trevor was U.S. Army Intelligence officer who crashed on Paradise Island in World War II. Diana rescued him, nursed him back to health and followed him back to America. In modern continuity Trevor is Diana’s government liaison officer and with the Justice League on behalf of the United Nations. Steve falls in love with Wonder Woman but is humiliated when she chooses Superman. Trevor works with Amanda Waller (of Suicide Squad) for A.R.G.U.S. (Advanced Research Group for Uniting Super-Humans). Continue reading CHRIS PINE In Talks for WONDER WOMAN
The Secret Wars Warzone book revisits the epic world in which Professor X never existed and Apocalypse seized control of the world.
Without Xavier, Beast, Cyclops and Havok became servants of Mister Sinister. Magneto led his own X-Men including Rogue, Sabretooth, Storm, Quicksilver, Banshee, Blink, Wild Child and Dazzler.
In the new story, Marvel and Nicieza says the most underestimated mutant may be critical to defeating En Sabah Nur: Cypher aka Doug Ramsey. How can a mutant with such a non-aggressive power be key to defeating an Omega level mutant like Apocalypse? Continue reading SURPRISE HERO In AGE OF APOCALYPSE