The actor will join Ciara Renee who is playing Kendra Saunders aka Hawkgirl. Carter and Kendra are the modern days version of an ancient Egyptian couple. The soulmates are reincarnated in the modern era and can access the power of the “Hawk God” turning them into winged warriors. Continue reading HAWKMAN Cast for LEGENDS OF TOMORROW
Age of Apocalypse by Gerardo Sandoval courtesy Marvel
Age of Apocalypse #2 Magneto’s X-Men vs. Cyclops and Havok? Original event writer Fabian Nicieza and artist Gerardo Sandoval take you back to this bizarre counter world where Professor X never existed, Apocalypse rules and Jean Grey and Wolverine are renegade lovers. But in this Secret Wars tie-in, a fan-favorite New Mutant may be the key to bringing down Apocalypse. Continue reading Top New Comics Picks for August 5, 2015
Don’t make him angry….you wouldn’t…well you might really like him when he’s angry.
Ahead of the full Deadpool trailer tomorrow during the Conan O’Brian Show, Fox revealed a hilarious teaser trailer featuring a monologue by star Ryan Reynolds.
Careful – there is foul language. The Merc With A Mouth gets colorful about the last time he was depicted on film. Do not continue if you are offended.
Eights months into 2015 and we’ve seen Jurassic World overtake Avengers: Age of Ultron, Convergence and a 25 new DC titles, Secret Wars is at the halfway mark with dozens of new books as part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel now.
How are our 15 Geek Wishes for 2015 turning out?
Here’s what we hoped will happen this year with some of our favorite comic book characters, creators and publishers. What we said then is first followed by updates. Maybe we’re psychic because some are right on and some…well maybe we got too ambitious. Continue reading 15 Geek Wishes for 2015 Updated!
Barbara Gordon’s mission in Batgirl Annual #1 brought her face to face with Helena Bertinelli, Batwoman, The Spoiler and her big fans from Gotham Academy.
But it was a near-miss that sent hearts fluttering and creative team Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr delivered on a big tease surrounding a major character in Batgirl’s life.
Before we continue here’s a SPOILER ALERT!
If you did not read Batgirl Annual #3 or Batgirl #42 yet stop reading now.
Invincible Iron Man courtesy Marvel via Tumblr: Jinxworld!
Like any proper billionaire Tony Stark is expanding.
Look for a second Iron Man book in the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now by Invincible Iron Man writer Brian Michael Bendis who teased a second series yesterday.
Marvel Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso confirmed the second Iron Man related title today’s Axel-In-Charge CBR column and delivered a big tease about why the Armored Avenger’s story can’t be contained in one title: Continue reading MARVEL Confirms Second IRON MAN BENDIS book