Writer/director Josh Boone (The Fault In Our Stars) says the first script for X-Men spinoff New Mutants is complete.
Boone shared the update via Twitter including X-Men producer Simon Kinberg and co-writer Knate Gwaltney.
The New Mutants were a younger generation of Xavier students including the little sister of Colossus who would become known as Magik.
In comics New Mutants evolved into X-Force, a pro-active squad taking the fight to enemies of mutants. But the original New Mutants have often reunited. Magik is now on the main X-team while Sunspot and Cannonball are Avengers. Continue reading NEW MUTANTS Movie Update
A battle years in the making is waging in DC’s biggest team book.
Has the Darkseid War claimed its first casualty?
The Lord of Apokolips and the Anti-Monitor are in a cosmic clash. The Justice League is struggling to protect the Earth from the fallout. Superheroes have been corrupted into twisted versions of New Gods.
Did a major comics icon fall in this week’s Justice League #44?
A hero may be the killer in a twist by writer Geoff Johns.
It’s Darkseid versus Anti-Monitor on Earth. On Apokolips a corrupted Superman fights against Lex Luthor.
GeekGirlCon welcomes Ms. Marvel writer G. Willow Wilson and expands with new events for its fifth year.
The Seattle event celebrating the role of women in geek culture will have its inaugural fashion show, on Saturday October 10th at 8pm.
Last year’s event was a sold out smash even without major comic book creators of celebrities. This year acclaimed Seattle based writer G. Willow Wilson will be part of the panel Women, Diversity and Comics: A Non-Compliant Discussion About the Comic Book Industry. Continue reading GEEK GIRL CON 2015 Preview
A full month of classic scary films and frighteningly fun parties are on the menu as EMP Museum hosts spine-chilling events throughout October for
31 Days of Horror.
The pop culture powerhouse in Seattle that’s the first stop for Star Wars And The Power of Costume and home to Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction exhibits is launching a huge month of activities for horror and sci-fi fans. Continue reading 31 Days of HORROR at EMP MUSEUM
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen is feeling the shock and awe in this brand new poster courtesy DC Comics for the sophomore season of The Flash.
The new season introduces the DC Multiverse to the series starring the Scarlet Speedster.
The Multiverse means more men who have or will share the famous code-name incluidng Earth 2 Flash Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) and Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) who becomes Kid Flash in the comics.
Chloe Bennet with her Daisy Johnson cut courtesy Marvel
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is back for a third season with Secret Warriors, new Inhumans and a new name for Chloe Bennet.
If the members of Coulson’s team are caught up in Captain America: Civil War next year which side will each agent choose?
Formerly known as Agent Skye, Bennet now calls herself by her birth name Daisy Johnson and is leading Coulson’s new squad determined to find and help new Inhumans popping up around the globe.
A schism will crack Earth’s Mightiest Heroes into rival camps when Steve Rogers and Tony Stark take opposite sides when the Superhero Registration Act is passed.