Affleck is the Dark Knight opposite Henry Cavill who returns as the Man of Steel.
Watch the tension as Clark Kent grills Bruce Wayne over “the Batman” while Affleck compares Superman to one of DC’s most infamous villains while Lex Luthor’s plans are revealed.
See the “other” villain and hero who bring the Sons of Krypton and Gotham together!
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD Season 3 cast courtesy Marvel
Revenge and revelations in a game-changing Agents of S.H.I.E..L.D. episode. You could call this and the next finale episode “Worlds War Ward.”
The Coulson/Ward rivarly got extremely personal on both sides in the episode called Closure that opened up big new story changes including a new director of S.H.I.E.L.D!
The Flash/Arrow crossover courtesy DC Comics and The CW
The Flash/Arrow crossover event: Heroes Join Forces begins tonight on The CW leading to Legends of Tomorrow is the third live action series set in the Arrow and Flash universe with actors.
Tonight Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) encounters Kendra/Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee) and Carter Hall/Hawkman (Falk Hentschel).
The action will speed from Central City to Starling City on Arrow as fan-favorite and new heroes join together against the threat of Vandal Savage which continues in the time spanning new series. Continue reading HEROES TAKE FLIGHT ON THE FLASH
In Worse Than a Crime James Gordon got surprising news but went down a dark path and Galavan ended up in the hands of a classic Batman villain….one of two that will make the second half of the season…chilling…literally!
Peter Parker’s great love Mary Jane Watson joins Team Stark in Invincible Iron Man #4 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez.
Tony Stark’s world has gone crazy. He learned he’s not the biological son of Howard Stark, a reborn Doctor Doom (younger with no scars and no armor) is offered Tony an in order to stop Madame Masque who’s on a strange crime spree stealing mystical artifacts.
And he’s not as rich as he used to be. He actually sold Stark/Avengers Tower. Oh and his new girlfriend may have a secret that would make them both targets of angry X-Men and other mutants.
Rise of the Villains reached a mid-season finale on Gotham.
It’s been a bloody, action-packed first half of the season with the death and birth of the Joker legend, the arrival of mad monks from Batman mythology and Barbara‘s deadly wedding ceremony gone wrong. They were all pieces of a revenge plot that goes back to a war among Gotham City’s first families.
In Worse Than a Crime the villains have risen and have the upper hand with our heroes on the run or waiting to be killed. Young Bruce Wayne was being held and waiting to be served on the sacrificial altar, Alfred was hurt and on the run after a near fatal encounter with Galavan’s psychotic sister and James Gordon turned to unlikely allies to save the Son of Gotham as Galavan‘s endgame raced to a climax with huge hints as new villains rising. Continue reading GOTHAM VILLAINS WAR in FALL FINALE
A new threat is forcing mutants into hiding but this team is defying the other X-Men and striking out. Young Cyclops, Iceman, Beast, Angel with the new Wolverine and Oya are forging their own destinies in a new series by Dennis Hopeless and Mark Bagley. When these renegades hit the road they slam right into a classic villain. Continue reading New Comics Picks for December 2, 2015