A Convergence of Secret Wars lead to an onslaught of new number ones and new beginnings.
How do you pick favorite comics of the year? We kept it down to new number ones issues.
Here’s we go with a screaming fresh start for a DC icon:
Black Canary
You can call it “Batgirling” but we call it rock and roll, kung fu kick-ass fun. Brenden Fletcher and Annie Wu reinvigorated the classic character with a wild road trip as Dinah becomes the front woman for Black Canary – the band – and goes on an odyssey to save a child and find the mysterious force behind her new mission. Continue reading FAVORITE COMICS OF 2015
Estranged allies Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson are drawn together in a small town with a dark secret that will engulf Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Nick Spencer and Jesus Saiz. Will this be the beginning of Steve Rogers return to being Captain America in the year of the character’s 75th Anniversary? Is this the first salvo in our next pick? Continue reading MOST ANTICIPATED NEW COMICS of 2016
Writer Jeff Lemire gave X-fans a “gift” in the Christmas week book and final issue of the year.
The mutant race is on the fast track to extinction again. The Terrigen Mists creating new Inhumans are killing and sterilizing mutants. Cyclops attacked the Inhumans and now he’s been declared dead.
In this week’s chapter, Ororo, Old Man Logan, Jean and Iceman went to rescue Nightcrawler, Colossus and Magik from Sinister and his new Marauders.
The Merc With a Mouth reunites with Cyclops’ cyborg future son. Back in the 90’s Wade and Cable co-starred in a “buddy” adventure. Fabian Nicieza and Reilly Brown throw in time travel, Hydra and a new villain in this digital first limited series but what about Deadpool and Cable? Is the bromance back or will they be mortal enemies again?
Lazarus #21
The welcome return of Greg Rucka and Michael Lark’s sci-fi epic after a break while Rucka launched Black Magick (issue 3 is also out this week.) This is the finale of the current arc that changes everything. Forever is born to kill and fight for her family – one of 16 that rule the future. Will Forever survive the war zone, break her programming and have free will? Will her father be cured and what does it mean for the balance of power? Continue reading Final New Comics Picks of 2015
Every Christmas we present favorite holiday moments with the mutants but this year is “extra” special.
Let’s go back to Uncanny X-Men #365 by Steven Seagle and Chris Bachalo with a Leinil Yu cover. In A Ghost of X-mas Past, Colossus is haunted by the ghost of his sister, Illyana on Christmas Eve.
In this 1999 issue the Russian mutant is in mourning after his baby sister dies from the Legacy Virus. The X-Man (and artist) is haunted by a ghost who inspires his paintings of an Ice Princess without a face. The spirit only says one word to Colossus:
Here we go with more of our 16 comic book characters to watch in 2016. Let’s begin part two with an “all the hail the King!”
Black Panther #1 courtesy Marvel
Black Panther
After playing a central role as King of the Dead and The Illuminati in Jonathan Hickman’s New Avengers/Secret Wars epic, T’Challa returns to his Wakanda in a brand new series and officially joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
T’Challa and Namor are leading an assault on Doctor Doom in Secret Wars #9 finale in January and T’Challa is now a member of the new Ultimates.
Time to peer into the future and predict the characters to watch in 2016. Major changes, big anniversaries and unusual comebacks are in store for some of your favorite heroes and hated villains.
Here are the first eight on our list of the 16 comic book characters to watch in 2016:
The kick butt comeback of Barbara “Bobbi” Morse continues as she battles spies and terrorists on Agents of SHIELD and spins off into a pilot for her own potential series. Adrienne Palicki and Nick Blood headline Marvel’s Most Wanted as the S.H.I.E.L.D. operative and her mercenary ex-husband. Continue reading 16 COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS TO WATCH IN 2016, Part One