When The New 52 began Nightwing learned he was meant to be a Talon for the Court of Owls.
Dick later”died” in Forever Evil at the hands of Lex Luthor.
The former Robin faked his death, ditched the Nightwing mask/code-name to become an undercover double agent investigating Spyral in his new series Grayson.
The all-female Avengers squad born in Secret Wars will getting a new creative team this Spring.
Marvel announced writer Kelly Thompson (Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps) and artist Ben Caldwell (Prez) will take over with A-Force #5.
During Secret Wars, women were the primary heroes of a realm called Arcadia. Singularity was a new heroine who joined them and escaped into the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now reality. Now this rookie is getting the band back together. Continue reading MARVEL Reveals New A-FORCE Creative Team
Jeff Lemire packed a ton in his first Extraordinary X-Men arc. In five issues the Children of the Atom faced a new genetic threat, an old adversary and demons of Limbo as Storm assembled a new team, discovered the shocking truth about Cyclops and was guided (or haunted) by a ghost of the past.
Every issue so far left a ton of questions. This week’s thrilling finale of the first arc set the new status quo for the X-Men to the world with unmissable future story possibilities.
The Terrigen Mists are killing mutants. Cyclops attacked the Inhumans and now he’s dead. Storm assembled Magik, Colossus, Iceman, young Jean Grey and Old Man Logan to rescue mutants from the Terrigen threat. The search for Nightcrawler led to Mister Sinister and his new Marauders.
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
The Ninth Doctor (as played by Christopher Eccleston) is back in a new ongoing series.
Back when the Time Lord “regenerated” into a new television series after more than a decade it was a cool, leather jacket wearing Doctor exclaiming, “Fantastic!” with a young girl named Rose Tyler and later an alien scoundrel named Captain Jack Harkness.
The trio return for a new adventure called Doctormania this Spring.
The Revolution is coming as Valiant’s heroes go into the future for the publisher’s biggest crossover yet.
Valiant revealed a first look inside 4001 A.D. #1 (of 4) from writer Matt Kindt and artist Clayton Crain.
At the dawn of the 41st century, the future of Earth will be decided in the stars. This May…the rebellion begins in 4001 A.D.The fallen guardian of New Japan – Rai – drafts the 41st century’s most powerful heroes into a star-spanning battle for the ultimate fate of the Valiant Universe. Continue reading 4001 A.D. Preview
Jaws are dropping across the world as readers see the final page of Robin War #2.
The crossover’s big finale reunites nearly all the young men and women who have declared “I am Robin” and marks a shocking new status quo for a fan-favorite character.
Tom King deliver the final chapter of Robin War with a fast-moving two-front war on the streets of Gotham City and the Labyrinth of the Court of Owls.
What do the events of this week’s finale mean for the Batman family going into 2016 as Bruce Wayne starts to remember and eventually reclaim the famous Cape and Cowl? Will the real Batman return only to face an old friend turned deadly enemy? Continue reading ROBIN WAR SHOCKER Burning Questions For GRAYSON