Northstar’s past is coming back with a vengeance. A new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is back on the attack. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins kicked off their Astonishing X-Men run with a frightening future sequence involving Northstar on the run from his new teammates.
Issue 48 revealed Northstar and boyfriend Kyle’s home life in New York City and Gambit getting cozy with Dr. Cecelia Reyes (another blast from the past) when Wolverine, Iceman and Warbird show up.
Issue 49 is out and I’m eager for a major fight with this new villain team (which appears to be a mix of Matt Fraction’s Sisterhood and the Marauders from the Messiah Complex epic.) There must be a ton of quick action because a wedding is scheduled for next month’s issue.
i can’t wait to get this next week, hope it’s good and northstar isn’t called “jean claude” anymore…