A new Green Lantern from the Middle East? DC Comics revealed the cover to Green Lantern #0 by Geoff Johns and Doug Manke scheduled for September. After seeing the writing on the hero’s arm on the cover I did some searching and I think this Comic Book Resources post does a good job wrapping up the potential for this character.
What does this mean for Hal Jordan and Sinestro? For the one year anniversary of The New 52 DC is numbering all titles zero and will be stand-alone stories.
This moves follows the reintroduction of Alan Scott as a gay man and Green Lantern of Earth 2 and continues DC’s commitment to add more diversity. Given this is a stand-alone story it may be a test to see if this character could receive his own title or be part of the Green Lantern Corps.
I think this may be the first time a Muslim character has been introduced since Dust in Grant Morrison’s New X-Men era.
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