Novelist Anne Rice allows her supernatural creations to be adapted into films and graphic novels. Fans are celebrating Rice’s return to The Vampire Chronicles with Prince Lestat now.

One of Rice’s most recent creations becomes a graphic novel. Anne Rice’s The Wolf Gift is her unique take on a classic monster – the werewolf.

Reuben Golding is a reporter who visits a seductive woman at her secluded mansion. An attack by a beast begins to transform Reuben leading him on a search for answers: Why was he chosen to receive The Wolf Gift? Is he good or evil? Is he destined to be alone?

You can order Anne Rice’s The Wolf Gift with artist Ashley Marie Witter here. Rice and Witter teamed up before for Interview With the Vampire: Claudia’s Story.

The new graphic novel is based on The Wolf Gift and Reuben’s story conitnued in The Wolves of Midwinter.