Today it’s Guardians of the Galaxy but which Marvel icons should fight against or with ANGELA now that she’s in the Marvel Universe next?
The warrior angel from the Spawn mythos was transported into the Marvel Universe after the reality rippeding finale of Age of Ultron #10.
Angela’s story continues in Guardians of the Galaxy #5 this week by Neil Gaiman and Brian Michael Bendis. Joe Quesada redesigned the iconic character for her Marvel debut. After Angela’s adventure with the Guardians of the Galaxy who will encounter her next?
Here are 4 Marvel heroes who should be on the top of Angela’s Marvel dance card:
Wolverine and X-Men: It’s a given! Since Brian Michael Bendis is brilliantly weaving new adventures for the mutants in All-New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men I’d love to see him unleash Angela on them! Can you see Magik clashing Soulsword to Spear with Angela? In the aftermath of Battle of the Atom, Wolverine is leading a team to bring Nightcrawler back from the dead in Amazing X-Men by Jason Aaron so why have Logan turn to a warrior angel in his upcoming clash with Azazel?!

Doctor Strange: Please let this warrior angel go on a journey to hell and back with the Master of the Mystic Arts! These two characters were born to fight, bicker, flirt and wield some dark magic together! When I think of Stephen Strange and Angela I imagine a tale like Nightcrawler’s Inferno way back in the X-Men Annual inspired by Dante’s Inferno. My mind also goes to the Avengers epic with Morgan LeFay by Kurt Busiek and George Perez.
Thor: Please let Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic get the opportunity to unleash Angela on the God of Thunder and his pantheon of adversaries: Hela, Enchantress, Fafnir – the mystic story possibilities are endless.
Iron Fist: The Immortal Weapon of Agamotto and Angela fight for the fate of Kun Lun? Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction and then Bendis brilliantly expanded Danny Rand’s powers and the mythology of the Iron Fist weaving it into the Marvel Universe. The Iron Fist is even connected to the Phoenix Force! I could envision Angela helping Danny on a new spirit quest in Kun Lun and beyond.
Will Gaiman and Bendis be the only masters of Angela’s future in the Marvel Universe? As we eagerly await her impact I can only hope Angela will infuse Marvel’s mystical heroes, villains and realms with new excitement and drama.
By Editor