Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel

Heaven’s most fearsome Angel vs. the Guardians of the Galaxy!


The Age of Ultron finale unleashed a powerful new force into the Marvel Universe. Angela (a co-creation of Neil Gaiman in Todd McFarlane’s Spawn series) was pulled in the Marvel 616 in Age of Ultron #10… and she’s not happy about it!


Gaiman joins Brian Michael Bendis on Guardians of the Galaxy #5 which picks up Angela’s adventures in the Marvel Universe with art by Sara Pichelli.


Earlier Bendis talked about the consequences of Age of Ultron and how Angela came into the Marvel Universe:


“I wanted to do two things: I wanted a story that starts in one genre, but then turns into another. I like that mainstream comics are all different sub-genres all going on at once, and I thought two of them clashing into each other would be kind of fantastic,” he tells Comics Newsarama.


“The story starts off: “What if this villain fulfills their promise?” You wake up one day, and it’s happened. Obviously the real-world allegory is you wake up and the terrorists have done something that we’ve heard could happen on the news every day for like 10 years — you wake up, and they’ve done it.


And then at the end, that the heroes, Wolverine in particular, have to go to great lengths to solve this, and the responsibility of using the space-time continuum — which Reed Richards has been talking about since issue #2 of Fantastic Four — something really bad does happen. And not just that they do something and all this stuff pops up, but the warning that both Iron Mans give: We’re not alone in the universe. If Earth is responsible for ripping time and something pops out of it, someone else in the galaxy is going to go, “OK, who did that? Where did that come from?” And that will start a whole new series of stories, as well.

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel


Those were both in the original pitch document. I did say: What’s the craziest thing that could pop out of this rift? You can only do these rifts like, once. “What is the nuttiest thing?” Boy, I wouldn’t have imagined Angela in a million years. We made a list of the craziest things, like, “Batman!” “Oh my god, it’s Buckaroo Banzai, and Indiana Jones, and they’re married!” But when Joe called up and said, “Hey, remember Angela?” And I went, “From Who’s the Boss?” And [Quesada] then told me the whole back story with Neil Gaiman— as left field as that is, I just love it to death. That’s exactly the kind of thing. So I’m very glad that we were able to not only come up with what else we came up with, but to add that little cherry on top.”


For the full interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.


Guardians of the Galaxy #5 arrives this week. What role will Angela have in Infinity? Stay tuned!


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