Next month’s Action Comics #19 was to be a new beginning for the Man of Steel with a new creative team. Writer Andy Diggle revealed via Twitter he was leaving the Superman book.
“Sadly I’ve decided to walk away from Action Comics for professional reasons. It was the toughest decision I’ve ever had to make, especially with Superman’s 75th Anniversary and Man of Steel on the horizon. But it was the right decision. Onwards.”
Later today DC Comics Executive Director of Publicity Alex Segura revealed his Twitter:
“Regarding Action Comics – Tony Daniel will be expanding his role as writer and artist for the remainder of the arc.”
Diggle and Daniel were announced as the new creative team back in October. The duo follows Grant Morrison and Rags Morales who launched the book in The New 52 relaunch. Morrison’s final Action Comics just hit comic book shops this week.
Tony Daniel was artist and writer on The New 52 relaunch of Detective Comics following a a pre-52 Batman run including Battle for the Cowl.
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