Creating new mutants is hard. For every Gambit…there’s a Maggott.
Yes, there was (briefly) an X-Man named Maggott. Strange but true – and one of the oddest creations in mutant history may have a successor as the world’s strangest mutant with the oddest power!
Back to Maggott in case you missed his story:
Japheth was a South African mutant with abilities based in his digestive system. Maggott had two slugs (Eany and Meany) inside him that once released outside the body could “eat” any solid matter and transfer the energy back to Japheth. Maggott also possessed psychometric powers. This cover of his first appearance was Maggott at his full power – he was actually very frail looking and he had a heartbreaking origin. Japheth really didn’t last long with the X-Men and was later killed in the Weapon X program.
Since the rebirth of the mutant gene and emergence of new mutants in the aftermath of AvX – Jason Aaron and Nick Lowe have been creating some “interesting” new children of the atom – in I would call in the tradition of the deceased Maggott – RIP.
And the winner of the next Maggott goes to…
Eye-Boy (a kid covered with eyes all over his body)
Shark-Girl (a were-shark)
Sprite (rock skinned and winged)

But this week in Wolverine and the X-Men #31 Jason Aaron may have reached a whole level of oddity: Snot.
Quentin Quire (Kid Omega) joins the Hellfire Academy in part one of The Hellfire Saga along with a brand new mutant who gets the unfortunate but appropriate name of Snot.
Yes – it’s just what you imagine. Jason Aaron and artist Nick Bradshaw create a clever, scary and darkly comedic tale of the two kids and their initiation into the school for future mutant villains.
I learned to love Eye-Boy and Shark-Girl a little more in the previous arc just as I started cheering for Broo in the first arc and now I’m curious to see how Snot will develop. I love that Aaron and company are giving us these oddballs among outcasts. Not every X-Man can be fit, gorgeous with cool powers – just like the real world.
With great storytelling from Aaron you don’t just turn up your nose to these weird kids – you open your heart and cheer them on!
By Editor