An X-Men Fan’s Reaction to Uncanny Avengers #1

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Shocking. Sickening.

“That moment” on the final page of Uncanny Avengers #1 (Don’t worry I’m not going to spoil it for you.)

It was like the final scenes in Rosemary’s Baby, Carrie and Halloween.

That act. It was a desecration, an insult to X-Men fans and Xavier’s dream.

It may become one of the most shocking moments in comic book history.

It’s necessary. I hated it. But I love (or hate myself for loving) the stories, alliances and moments that will follow it. It may have made me an even bigger X-Men fan because I want payback.

With Uncanny Avengers #1 the dangerous minds of Marvel Now have proven that nothing is sacred and anything can happen. It’s not a reboot. It’s gripping the past in hand and violently surging into new territory.

The Red Skull is no longer just a super villain.

In that final page Rick Remender, John Cassaday and Laura Martin created a force of pure evil, hate and malevolence.

And I want him dead. Claws, shield, hammer, cosmic blasts – whatever it takes!

Welcome to the Marvel Now. You may have hate what happens here. But wouldn’t you rather read a book that makes you feel?

By Editor

I’m working on a review of the entire issue – I just had to get that out of me.

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