A final showdown on supernatural seas.
This week Nightcrawler leads his mutant friends in a battle against his father’s fleet of demon pirates in Amazing X-Men #5 by writer Jason Aaron and artist Ed McGuinness.
Logan, Storm, Beast, Northstar, Iceman and Firestar have been through heaven and hell literally in their quest to find the truth about Kurt Wagner who died to save mutant messiah Hope Summers in the Second Coming crossover.
Jason Aaron has lead fans on a journey for the Fuzzy Elf ever since Wolverine and the X-Men #1 Volume 1. Bamfs haunting the Jean Grey School and stealing Logan’s whiskey were early clues then Aaron revealed the return of Azazel – Kurt’s demonic father in the Frankenstein’s Murder Circus arc. In the Battle of the Atom finale Logan learned Kurt may not be completely lost and soon it was into the fire.

All this time Nightcrawler has been fighting a war in the afterlife against his father. After major battles among the circles of hell – the mutants are united again. With the help of the X-Men and the Bamfs – can Kurt defeat Azazel, save the lost souls and return to the land of the living? Will an X-Men pay a terrible price for defeating Azazel and Kurt’s return?

Amazing X-Men #5 arrives Wednesday. Christopher Yost and Craig Kyle will take over the book later this year. Kurt’s adventures will continue in a new Nightcrawler ongoing by the legendary Chris Claremont in April.
Aaron is writing this year’s big Marvel event – Original Sin – a cosmic murder mystery featuring the death of The Watcher. Giving us back Nightcrawler will make Aaron an all-time favorite in the long line of X-Men writers.
By Editor