One of the most beloved X-Men (and my personal favorite) is still dead.
Kurt made the ultimate sacrifice to save Hope Summers in the Second Coming epic because he had faith she could save the mutant race.
But death never stopped the return of a fan-favorite hero!
Jason Aaron takes on a second X-book to go in search of Nightcrawler in Amazing X-Men #1.
After the events of Battle of the Atom Wolverine recruits a squad to go in search of the fuzzy elf. Aaron has been dropping supernatural breadcrumbs leading to this big adventure: The Jean Grey School is filled with little “bamfs” who steal Logan’s whisky and Nightcrawler’s dear old dad Azazel turned up in the finale of the Frankenstein Murder Circus arc. But it was the final shot in the epilogue of The Hellfire Saga that sent our hearts beating as Kurt and his bamfs were seen in the great beyond.
Here’s what Aaron told fans this week on on Comic Book Resources X-Position.
“When we catch up with Kurt in the opening pages of “Amazing X-Men #1, he is still very much dead and also very much in trouble. So he and the X-Men have a bit of a fight on their hands before we can even start to think about getting any sort of tearful reunions back on earth.
Kurt will have his hands full for the foreseeable future just surviving the evil machination of his dad, Azazel, and his demonic pirates who are terrorizing the afterlife. Assuming he makes it through that, there’s still the little matter of Kurt being dead.

Nightcrawler always dealt with self-esteem, appearance and family issues (Azazel and Mystique?) and has gone from swashbuckler to a somber priest. It looks like the adventurous Kurt may be coming back.
“Kurt is a troubled and tragic guy, sure, but what I’m trying to do right out of the gate is get back to the old-school swashbuckling Kurt. Within the first few pages of Amazing X-Men #1, Kurt has a sword in each hand and is Bamfing around like crazy, kicking butt and talking smack. That doesn’t mean he’ll be all fluff though. Just that he’s totally in his element in this story, right out of the gate.”
Watch for Kurt’s return in Amazing X-Men #1 coming Wednesday.
By Editor