Gruesome murders.
Happy reunions.
Sharp toothed monsters
Even sharper humor.
Craig Kyle and Chris Yost kick off their return to the mutant mythos with an exciting first issue. The team who created X-23 are back at the mansion with a chapter filled with action, suspense and humor in Amazing X-Men #8.
What I loved most is the team’s ability
to poke fun and reminisnce about the history and irony of the X-Men while telling a fun story. The quick reunion between Colossus and Nightcrawler is classic as they discuss the deaths and resurrections among the Children of the Atom. As Colossus says, “some things are better left unquestioned,” I almost thought this might be the X-office’s wink to the critics. It’s comics about mutants – enjoy the ride.
And this is a thrill ride.
While Storm must take on her teammates in hilarious exchanges that reveal how they feel about Wolverine, Logan is in Canada to help an old friend. You can’t help but feel nostalgic for the Chris Claremont and John Byrne days as Logan reunites with Heather Hudson due to the disappearance of her husband.

Before you can celebrate an Alpha Flight/X-Men reunion there’s blood in the air as not one but an outbreak of Wendigo infects a town and may have claimed a hero. Kyle and Yost build up the tension and mystery like a great horror film. You know it’s coming but you’re still in shock by the reveal.
The heralded return of Colossus doesn’t get the time I thought it would but as they say, “that’s another story.” Until then the X-Men are outnumbered in World War Wendigo the first of a five-part tale by Yost, Kyle and artist Ed McGuinness.
By Editor