Peter Parker returns from the dead in The Amazing Spider-Man #1. Writer Dan Slot isn’t just charting Spidey’s new future, he’s going into Parker’s first days as a costumed hero in a brand new graphic novel.
Marvel announced The Amazing Spider-Man 1.1: Year One: Learning To Crawl by Slott and artist Ramon Perez with covers by Alex Ross.
Slott picks up the story you think you knew right after Uncle Ben’s murder.
While the story revisits Spidey’s origin it will introduce a new enemy:
“Usually when you’re reading this kind of story where you’re being shown a new angle on the past, they tend to bring out this super Big Bad, this character like Mr. Sinister who’s secretly behind everything,” Slott tells Marvel.com. “This is not that. Everything you know happened. What you’re going to see is that there was another villain running around, very much in the same vein as Mysterio and Electro and Sandman.”

“When Jameson first goes on the attack against Spider-Man, he says ‘We shouldn’t look up to this celebrity, this flash-in-the-pan Spider-Man as some kind of hero. You want a hero? You look at my son the astronaut. You know why we shouldn’t follow this kid? Because he’s dangerous. Other kids are going to watch and see what he does. They’re gonna try and emulate him, and they’re gonna get hurt.’ That’s what Jameson says in that first issue. It’s the cornerstone of his campaign.
“Along comes this new adversary. It’s the poster boy for everything J. Jonah Jameson was talking about. He’s a kid. He’s Peter’s age. He has made himself into a Spidey villain, because he thinks Spidey’s awesome. So instead of fighting authority figures and old men, it’s all this stuff that Peter deals with at school. It’s the school yard on a super level.”
The Amazing Spider-Man #1 arrives in April. The Amazing Spider-Man 1.1: Year One: Learning to Crawl follows in May.
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