All-New X-Men is perfect for an X-virgin but even better for a veteran! Brian Michael Bendis set the stage for the future of the Children of the Atom: New mutants are emerging around the world. Cyclops is racing to recruit them for his revolution. Wolverine, Storm, Kitty, Iceman and Beast are trying to teach young mutants and keep the peace. If Scott could only see young man he used to be. The only hope for the future of mutantkind is in the past.
Beast has been the heart and moral compass of the X-Men for years. Bendis made the perfect choice of having Henry as the balance between hope and destruction, past and present. Beast brings the original X-Men into the present. A desperate act of a dying X-Man.
I absolutely loved this week’s All-New X-Men #2. Bendis just nails the wonder and innocence of the “little X-Men” as Logan calls them. The writing captures the relationships between the original five X-Men. You really get a sense of their youth, hope and inexperience as they grapple with what Beast is telling them. When they arrive in the present you understand the team’s fear and disbelief over how their lives are radically different and how Xavier’s dream could have gone so wrong.
Bendis and Stuart Immonen create an incredible issue packed with drama, humor and excitement. There’s a heartbreaking moment between the young Jean Grey and modern Beast that just signals the powerful stories that will be told. Past meets present and future of All-New X-Men will be a thrilling ride.
By Editor