All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David and X-Factor are back in business…literally!


All-New X-Factor #1 by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico is out this week.


From being the government’s mutant liaison team to a mutant detective agency – Peter David has evolved the X-Factor title over more than a decade of writing. Now David will evolve the book again with a brand new number one.


Serval Industries buys the “X-Factor” brand and gets into the super hero business. The cutting-edge corporate leader in internet and weapons technology wants to give back to society…with their own superhero team.


“My work tends to be rooted in the real world,” David explains, “I was looking in the real world and the corporate presence was omnipresent.”


“Why wouldn’t corporations get into super heroes?” David asks.


All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

The new series stars Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit – not exactly the most “heroic” choices given each of the criminal backgrounds.


“A lot of what I’m centering on is the relationship with Polaris who is his [Quicksilver’s] half-sister,” said David.


“Gambit doesn’t trust Quicksilver any farther than he can throw him.” added David.


“Let’s be honest: most teams exist for the purpose of fighting bad guys,” David told Comic Book Resources. “X-Factor, on the other hand, exists to serve the needs and requirements of Serval Industries. So that can wind up propelling them into some very unusual situations — situations that they’re not always comfortable with.”


As a big fan of Polaris it’s exciting to see her promoted to leader but with Lorna’s traumatic past (Magneto’s daughter, possessed by Malice, ditched by Havok for a nurse) is she the best choice for team leader?


“Well, she’s kind of nuts, so that can serve as a problem,” David told CBR. “You will find yourself wondering whether she was chosen as the leader because they genuinely believe she’s qualified, or because Serval was convinced that her delicate psychological nature would make it easier to control her.”


All-New X-Factor #1  arrives Wednesday.


By Editor