All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David is back in business and business is oh so good in All-New X-Factor #1.
From government squad to detective agency and now corporate sponsored super heroes – David evolves X-Factor again.


Serval Industries is a leader in internet and weapons technology has bought the “X-Factor” brand name and “just wants to help people.”

You  must cautious and suspicious when Serval chooses Polaris as their team leader. I love Lorna Dane and it’s cool to see David write her as a confident cool customer as she recruits Gambit to the team and reconnects with her half-brother Quicksilver.


After setting up the supporting players in David’s corporate vision, the team launches on a new mission that ends with a real blast from the past. David doesn’t miss a beat capturing each of his major team players and setting the stage for exciting missions and his famous long-term conspiracies and plotlines. I loved Kris Anka’s cover and Carmine Di Giandomenico’s art. The new corporate mutant team of All-New X-Factor #1 is an excellent investment!

By Editor