The Ultimate line will go on. Out of death comes a new beginning for the line that keeps reinventing itself.
The next chapter of the Ultimate universe begins this week with All-New Ultimates #1 .
All-New Ultimates by Michel Fiffe and Amilcar Pinna stars Miles Morales, Kitty Pryde, Cloak, Dagger, Bombshell and a new Black Widow.
“It’s a war zone in the streets of New York, Hell’s Kitchen in particular, where certain neighborhoods have been torn apart by the recent galactic cataclysm and crime is exponentially growing; local super-powered gangs rule the environment,” Fiffe told Marvel.com. “That’s where Miles and the gang come in, to act within a grittier, more immediate problem while trying to find their own footing as super heroes.”
“They’re young and raw and mostly inexperienced, but the real joy is that because they’re so green, questions and conflicts of identity inform their every move.”

“The team faces some unusual threats, including “A vicious pack of souped-up freaks led by two beautiful psychopaths, a bloodthirsty vigilante skell on a killing spree, white supremacists on meth with an axe to grind, and a nemesis-cum-bounty hunter with a contract to fulfill. You know the typical teenager stuff.”
For more of the interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
All-New Ultimates begins tomorrow.
By Editor