Sam Wilson soars in a new role in All-New Captain America #1 this week.
When Steve Rogers lost the serum that gave him super powers he turned to his most trusted ally to carry on the shield and his legacy.
For writer Rick Remender this a new starting point after a two year journey with Steve Rogers.
“This is the fireworks factory we’re arriving at, and now everything’s going to blow up and be very pretty and exciting to look at. It leads into an evolution of Steve Rogers’ character that I had very early when I was given the job. I think that it’s important with these stories to do things that are natural and make sense and have an inherent logic to the universe, but are also constantly shifting and exciting, keeping the drama high. In order to do that it really comes down to creating new dynamics,” Remender told Marvel.com.

“I’ve been having a lot of fun writing Sam. It’s a completely different attitude. The fact that he’s not a soldier shifts things up a bit. Sam’s not going to be Steve. Steve can be very rigid. That can be kind of joyless at times, whereas Sam is absolutely not that.”
As you can see Sam is keeping his wings with the new costume.
In the Captain America tradition, Wilson will have a partner in his war with Hydra. Ian (Steve’s ward and Arnim Zola’s “son” from Dimension Z) will be the new Nomad.
Steve may not have his super strength but he still has his tactical mind and fighting spirit and will help guide Sam and Ian on their missions against Hydra.
All-New Captain America #1 arrives Wednesday.
By Editor