DC is not afraid to shake up their comic book line and universe but fans of its major iconic heroes may be rattled.
We know there’s an all-new Batman in high-tech armor in the wake of Endgame.
After DC’s Free Comic Book Day we have huge answers but a ton of questions about the future of the Batman and the cast of Gotham City.
Like Gotham in flames at the Batman Eternal finale we have our top burning questions.
By now you have probably read Batman #40 and the Divergence FCBD issue but just in case here’s a SPOILER ALERT!
If you have not read these critical issues stop reading now.
Here it comes.
The citizens of Gotham City know the Dark Knight was buried with the Joker in the finale of Endgame. Batman sacrificed his life to get the cure for the Joker’s Endgame virus to save the city. Bat signals fill the sky and citizens look up for a hero but Batman is not coming…yet.
Bruce Wayne is apparently gone because Wayne Enterprises has been taken over by Geri Powers. The CEO promises the Batman concept will live on. Who is in the mechanized suit?
Jim Gordon.
The former commissioner is buff, built and buzzed (with a new cut.) While Gordon says “…this is the dumbest idea in the history of Gotham City” but wonders where his Batmobile is and he’s ready to have some fun.
You have to wonder if writer Scott Snyder is not just using Gordon as his new leading man but as the voice of the fans who may have a “strong opinion” about this creative shakeup.
Is Batman really dead?
How long will Gordon be the Batman?
Why would Gordon agree to do this? Is it to uncover the truth about Powers?
Did Gordon really get that built in two months? I want his trainer – or is he taking something to get that buffer, younger physique?
Can Geri Powers be trusted? What is the real Powers agenda? Is Geri a front for a Bruce Wayne or someone more sinister?

Will the all-new Batman work with the other costumed heroes of Gotham? We’ve seen Barbara Gordon the target of the new Batman on the cover of Batgirl #41. Will Gordon be allied with Damian or the kids of We Are Robin? What about this Dark Knight’s role in Justice League and his team-up book with Superman. who’s going though his own identity crisis.
Gordon is one the greatest non-powered characters in comics and “having a moment.” We’re seeing the young Gordon (Ben McKenzie) in action now on Gotham so it’s an Age of Gordon. This unexpected move could an exciting creative surge for the Batman mythos like a signal burning through the dark clouds over Gotham City.
What do you think of Jim Gordon as the all-new Batman?
By Editor