Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 3 cast courtesy Marvel
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD Season 3 cast courtesy Marvel

Showdown on Planet Death and Castle Death On the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. midseason finale.

The episode Maveth delivered massive payoff with action, emotional peaks and heartstopping dives, mythological intrigue plus smart snappy humor that hits sharp as a knife from Agent May at a Hydra bad guy.

Loose ends tied like noose, arcs came to slam bang and emotional resolutions and what a cliffhanger and shocking new status for an original cast member!

On Maveth, Fitz was trapped with Ward and a kill squad in search of the Inhuman mystery that’s the secret purpose behind the founding of Hydra. Phil Coulson was alone, injured but determined to kill Ward.

On Earth, Simmons is trapped in Castle Death with Mack, May, Bobbi, Lance, Daisy and the new Inhuman recruits planning a sneak attack.
Just when thought S.H.I.E.L.D. were about to get satisfaction…we get a sneaky punch in the gut and rip in the heart.
Before I continue here’s a…

If you didn’t watch the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. midseason finale stop reading now.



Here it comes.

In Maveth, Fitz is forced to work with Ward. While on the desolate world they find a statue of the Hydra symbol like a shrine. Fitz leads Ward’s team to Will’s hideout where Simmons’s lost love becomes the key to finding the mystery Inhuman creature in a bloody showdown and heartbreaking twist.

Back at the Castle, Simmons escapes to find the containment pods with Inhumans Gideon Malick wants to offer as soldiers for the Inhuman “God” Ward plots to bring back through the portal. Simmons unlocks Andrew Garner who unleashes Lash on the Hydra soldiers. For a moment we thought Andrew was finally in control of the monster within but as May later learned, he’s still a killer after finding the captured Inhumans slaughtered.

Team S.H.I.E.L.D. is reunited in the castle portal chamber Mack and Daisy stay behind to see if Coulson, Fitz and Will return and kill anything else that tries to get out. Mack orders May to blow up the Castle if Hydra retakes the portal or the Inhuman monster escapes.

Back to Maveth, Fitz and Will escape head to where the portal will reopen.
Coulson captures Ward and marches after them as Ward reveals his new purpose after seeing the shrine but Phil will not be swayed as he keeps thinking of Rosalind.

Will and Fitz encounter the ruins of an ancient city, Will begins to reveal what he knows about the nine cities who went to war with each other and Fitz learns the terrible truth: Will died saving Simmons and the Inhuman “God” is now using Will’s body as a host.

While Will and Fitz fight as the portal opens, Coulson and Ward have one “final” fight. Fitz kills Will’s host body and the monster while Coulson gives Ward a slow and painful death that may have fans cheering while in their hearts fear that Coulson may have gone too far.

As the castle is destroyed on May’s order, a craft arrives on the S.H.I.E.L.D. flying HQ with Mack, Daisy then we see Fitz and Coulson survived. The look on Gemma’s face was raw heartbreak as Will never appeared and fans can just anticipate the pain Fitz will have telling her Will died and in a way he had to kill him again.

Apart from Gemma’s lost love, it was a win for Team Coulson? Not so fast!

A fleeing Gideon Malick was confronted by Grant Ward…a dead and possessed Ward! The Inhuman evil escaped and found a perfect host. Grant Ward is dead but the Inhuman entity is alive and now on Earth with Malick’s Hydra resources!

Here are our big burning questions:

Lash on the loose? When Andrew unleashed Lash on the Hydra soldiers it seemed he was in control? Did he really kill the captured Inhumans? If he can control the beast inside, May will be duty bound to track him down and Lincoln will be out for revenge.

Ward’s Inhumanity? It seems the Inhuman entity was trapped in Will’s body until it was destroyed. Is the monstrous force tied to its mortal coil? How much of Ward’s evil psyche could be left and merged with it or it is completely in control?

The Nine Connection? When the Entity (as Will) said there was nine cities on this desolated planet it made us think of the Nine Realms from Thor and the other Marvel films. How does Maveth fit into the World Tree, Asgard and the other realms we haven’t seen yet?
The Shapeshifting Entity? This ancient Inhuman is a real “trickster” like a certain Asgardian Prince of Lies? Like Loki, this Inhuman can take other bodies and is a master manipulator. Is this really an Inhuman, Asgardian, Kree or something else?

Thanos Rising #2 courtesy Marvel
Thanos Rising #2 courtesy Marvel

Maveth vs. Asgard? In the comics and on the series, the Inhumans of Earth were created by the Kree but what if they are even more ancient? Even Daisy’s mother was afraid of the monolith. What if the entity and lost civiliation on Maveth rivaled the Asgardians in terms of power, history and importance to the Marvel mythos? What if they are not Inhuman but perhaps Eternal…as Thanos the Mad God of Titan and the mastermind behind all the evil schemes in The Avengers, Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy and the upcoming Infinity War? “Maveth” meant death and Thanos worships death?

Killer Coulson? Ward had it coming but Coulson killed an injured man who was down. Can Coulson live with it? Will he be able to return as S.H.I.E.L.D. director or will he turn himself over to Mack or May?

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns February 8?th.

By Editor