AGENT CARTER the Marvel Televison Series?

Agent Carter courtesy Marvel
Agent Carter courtesy Marvel

Agent Carter – the television series?


Marvel is in the early stages of a television series based on Agent Carter according to the Hollywood Reporter.


Hayley Atwell played Peggy Carter in Captain America: The First Avenger. Agent Carter is a one-shot on the Iron Man 3 Blu-Ray out on September 24th. The one-shot follows Carter’s life as a secret agent after she lost the love of her life (Chris Evans as Steve Rogers) when he was frozen in ice.


The new ABC series, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was based on Item 47, a short film on The Avengers Blu-ray.


No word on if Atwell will reprise her role as Peggy Carter in the potential television series.


By Editor