AGENT CARTER Season Three Villains For Your Consideration

Agent Carter Season 2 NYCC poster courtesy Marvel
Agent Carter Season 2 NYCC poster courtesy Marvel

Yes, we absolutely want a third season of Marvel’s Agent Carter!

Hayley Atwell and the cast continued to excite and inspire fans. Producers dived into comics canon to give us a new twist on Madame Masque, the Maggia, the Secret Empire and brought back the first Black Widow from season one.

After Peggy’s adventure in Hollywood against Whitney Frost and her evil alliances, what villains should she take on in a third season?

Here are four potential villain for Agent Carter Season Three for your consideration:

Sunset Bain aka Madame Menace. No powers. No problem. In the comics the manipulative businesswoman seduced and stole Tony Stark’s secret codes, formed her own rival technology company and dumped him. Baintronics is only the public face of Sunset’s empire. As Madame Menace she makes a secret fortune supplying technology secrets and weapons to terrorists and master criminals. As a member of the Enforcers, Madame and her gang tried to usurp control of Marvel’s underworld after the fall of the Kingpin. This genius level inventor would be a perfect foil for Peggy.

Dr. Karla Sofen aka Moonstone is a villain we wished for…for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but Peggy could kick her butt on season three. A Kree stone gives the villain her super strength, flight, super speed, gravity manipulation, energy blasting powers and more. Dr. Sofen stole the gem from the first man who found the alien gem. The  psychiatrist uses her training to steal and drive victims mad. Sofen is cruel, twisted and is known for seducing several members of her team of fellow villains. In comics the deadly doctor has taken on Captain America, Hulk, The Avengers and one of her most infamous schemes, impersonated Captain Marvel in a twisted version of the Avengers. This powerhouse may be saved for the Captain Marvel film but I’d like to see Peggy take on the sadistic psychiatrist.

Captain America #28 courtesy Marvel

Sin is the daughter of the Red Skull. It’s seems unlikely Schmidt will appear in a Captain America sequel so why not have the Hydra leader’s heir strike against the partner of her father’s arch enemy. Sin leaders a Sisters of Sin, all given mental powers by the Skull’s remaining scientists. At one point Sin was reprogrammed as a “normal” American girl by S.H.I.E.L.D. What if Sisters of Sin were sleeper agents in the late 1950’s and awakened by the Red Skull’s daughter.

Baron Blood. Peggy vs. a Vampire? Lord John Falsworth was transformed into a vampire by Dracula in World War II (in The Invaders comics.) The infusion of Baron Blood should be along with Super-Axis, an evil team of World War II villains (Master Man, Warrior Woman, U-Man) who want to pick up where Hitler left off. This would be a great story to introduce Lady Jacqueline Falsworth aka Spitfire (a hero who used her vampire infused blood for good) as an ally for Peggy.

Let’s start the campaign now. Agent Carter Season Three!

By Editor

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