Marvel recruits superstar artists Brandon Peterson and Carlos Pacheco for Age of Ultron #6.

The greatest Avengers enemy has won. Heroes are dead. Survivors are devastated. Cities are demolished.

Captain America rallies the remaining heroes against the relentless army of Ultron.
But Marvel teases that Wolverine “makes the most controversial decision that Marvel Universe has ever seen – and when fans see who agrees with him, they’ll be chomping at the bit for more.”
Does this mean Logan will turn against Steve?

This week has been packed with previews of upcoming AoU issues! The finale will feature an epilogue co-written by Neil Gaiman and introduces the controversial Angela (of Spawn) into the Marvel Universe. An
showed the heroes on the run in the Savage Land.
What’s interesting is the AoU #6 start shows more heroes in action like Storm and Quicksilver.
Age of Ultron #6 arrives April 17th.
By Editor