AGE OF ULTRON – Hank Pym Aftermath

Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

One of Marvel’s most classic heroes stars in Age of Ultron #10AI by Mark Waid this week.


The Marvel Universe is recovering from the final battle with Ultron and is not prepared for what’s been unleashed across the multiverse but a founding Avenger has a new purpose.


The Age of Ultron began way back when Hank Pym invented the artificial intelligence. The redemption of Hank Pym begins.


“The aftermath focuses heavily on Hank Pym,” said Brevoort at C2E2 earlier this year, “He goes through a fairly transformative experience… given that he’s dead. Age of Ultron #10 AI is a deep dive into the history of Hank Pym.”


Mark Waid is writing this one-shot. The acclaimed writer has been “ON” breathing new life into other classic characters like Matt Murdock and Bruce Banner in Daredevil and Indestructible Hulk so I’m really excited to see Waid set up this founding Avenger for his new role in the Marvel Universe.


Pym will star in Avengers A.I. #1 along with the Vision, Victor Mancha and more of Marvel’s famous robots and cyborgs.

By Editor

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