It’s the final countdown to Age of Ultron #10! Wolverine made a brutal call to prevent the world from Ultron’s ultimate victory but it created in a horrific new reality.
In one week an all-star creative team will unveil the grand finale! We know the events of this issue will introduce Angela to the Marvel Universe and lead to a new destiny for founding Avenger, Hank Pym, but who will survive?
Marvel shared this teaser and cover by Alex Maleev:
“To save the Marvel Universe, Earth’s Mightiest made the most controversial decision of their lives resulting in a disaster unlike any they’ve seen before. But with one final shot to make things right, can they turn back the hands of time and restore everything to its former glory? And if they can’t what happens next?! AGE OF ULTRON #10, by the creative team of Brian Michael Bendis, Bryan Hitch, Carlos Pacheco, Brandon Peterson, Alex Maleev, Butch Guice, David Marquez and Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada, leaves no stone unturned and has an ending nobody can see coming!”
It looks like it’s all up to Hank Pym – creator of Ultron!
How will the founding Avenger and super scientist make things right and at what sacrifice?
By Editor