One of the great elements of Age of Ultron is the focus on Hank Pym. In a world of super soldiers and Gods it’s easy to think of Pym as a minor character. Brian Michael Bendis has reminded us of the Pym’s genius and importance in Marvel history and now Marvel’s immediate future. I wanted to share part of this Bendis interview about the themes of the event.
“One of the themes of the piece is that everybody’s important. Hank Pym would be perceived by some — not all — to be a minor cog in the Marvel Universe. But then you see, if you pull out that minor cog, the whole thing unravels,” Bendis tells Comics Newsarama, “Now he didn’t get to see it, but he certainly gets to feel, “I have an importance here that maybe I’ve been neglecting, and maybe it’s time to get back on the horse and act accordingly.”
“No. 1 is taking care of this Ultron situation, which he did, finally. I think that it’s kind of cool that he was the one that did it. And No. 2 you’ll see in Mark Waid’s Age of Ultron #10A.I. and Avengers A.I. with Sam Humphries, both of which I’ve read, and both of which are very cool. And also the lengths that Mark Waid has gone to establish a Hank Pym that we can understand and get behind is pretty cool.

Hank needed a win! And he got it. And for those who wanted to know where Ultron was during Age of Ultron, there he is! Yay!
People go, “Where’s Ultron?” It’s “Age of Ultron,” This is the world of Ultron, not Ultron. I know that’s bullsh*tty, but I’m saying it. There you go.”
Hank’s story continues in Age of Ultron #10 A.I. and Avengers A.I. #1.
For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.
Welcome to the new Age of Hank Pym – long may he reign!
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