Age of Apocalypse Ongoing

Age of Apocalypse #1 courtesy

  The X-Men have been drawn into the nightmare reality that is the Age of Apocalypse time and again. Today Marvel revealed a new series set in the horrific alternative timeline that spins out of The Dark Angel Saga in Uncanny X-Force #18 which wraps today.

  David Lapham and Roberto De La Torre are the creative team on Age of Apocalypse launching in March.

  “We start sort of spinning out of Uncanny X-Force. There are events that happen there that we directly fall out of. Basically, we open with Weapon X, who’s the Big Bad Overlord of the Age of Apocalypse world, and he’s just sort of wiped out the last enclave of humanity.” Lapham said in today’s presser.

  The roster of characters includes alternative versions of William Styker, Graydon Creed, Donald Pierce and Bolivar Trask – all mutant hating X-Men enemies in the Marvel universe but are could they be seen as heroes in this dystopian world ruled by Apocalypse?

Age of Apocalypse #1 variant courtesy

  Lapham confirmed the AoA versions of Wolverine, Jean Grey and Sabretooth will be part of the series is about “humans versus the mutants.”

  The Age of Apocalypse is a cool place to visit but an ongoing series? I love the AoA Jean Grey, she’s ruthless and definitely Wolverine’s match. What do you think? The adventures begin this March.





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