Age of Apocalypse #1 Preview


  Marvel twisted their X-universe into the Age of Apocalypse in the 90’s. Charles Xavier never existed. Apocalypse ruled North America. Magneto was the leader of rebel heroes. Wolverine and Jean Grey were lovers.


  Rick Remender took his Uncanny X-Force into that dimension for The Dark Angel Saga. In the aftermath, Dave Lapham is taking survivors of that dimension’s mutant-human war to an even more twisted level. Age of Apocalypse #1 is a new ongoing by Lapham with artist Roberto De La Torre.

  Weapon X is leads the war to eliminate humanity. The X-Terminated may be the only hope.



“This new Age of Apocalypse book does the impossible – it revolutionizes an old concept without a reboot,” explains Senior Editor Nick Lowe. “If you’ve been reading Uncanny X-Force, you know where this is coming from and you’re already in. If you’re an Age of Apocalypse junkie, this builds on the alternate universe’s mythology is fascinating and troubling ways. And if you aren’t either and just want a ground-breaking, easy-entry book that will challenge everything you know about the X-Men, there hasn’t been a better jumping on point.”


 The new series debuts in March with covers by Humberto Ramos.