The aftermath of Damian’s death in Batman Incorporated #8 will hit the Batman family in three big books this week. It will be hard to follow Batman and Robin #18. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason created a masterpiece. This is the issue you show to non-comic book readers to explain the power of graphic storytelling.
Here are 3 Batman books to watch:
Catwoman #18 Bruce is on a dangerous rampage pushing himself beyond his limits in his war on crime. Batman and Selena Kyle have a showdown in a museum over stolen art! Is a catfight with Selena a way to work out his anger and guilt and could the love/hate relationship between Catwoman and Batman change forever?
Nightwing #18 Dick Grayson suffered at the hands of the Joker in Death of the Family. After Dick’s world was burned to ground now he must face the loss of his one-time partner. At Emerald City Comicon Kyle Higgins revealed Nightwing will leave Gotham City for Chicago. What happens that finally makes Dick sever ties with Gotham and maybe Bruce? (If you just started reading with The New 52 you should check out Batman and Robin by Grant Morrison when Dick and Damian made an incredible crime fighting duo while Bruce was presumed dead.)

Red Hood and the Outlaws #18 Jason Todd was brutally killed by the Joker then suffered terribly again in Death of the Family. Has Jason finally broke? What makes him change the mission for the Outlaws and will Roy and Kori be on board?
James Tynion (Talon) is taking over this book so I’m hoping for a Jason Todd/Calvin Rose team-up or clash!
By Editor