“Geronimo…they made it so!”
Two sci-fi icons are phased together in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who: Assimilation2 from IDW Comics. I had a Trek fan at work (who doesn’t read comics) ask how can they pull this off…this isn’t even the same universe!”
He even asked “why the blue police box?” I sighed and explained.
Back to Assimilation2
Does this geek think you engage? YES. I won’t spoil but here are some highlights.
A Federation world (featuring a big nod to Star Trek: The Motion Picture if you can believe it) is under assault from the Borg but this attack is unprecedented. The dreaded assimilators of the universe are attacking with Cybermen. Yes, two of the most feared races of each competing universe have formed an unholy alliance.

The action cuts to ancient Egypt where the eleventh doctor, Amy and Rory are on the run after a different kind of alien threat when the Time Lord gets a vision of his old enemies. The trio is soon in the Tardis and in the 24th century about to engage the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
The creative team capture the spirit of Trek and Who in each separate story thread and I can’t wait to see how they spin this crossover. I can imagine Captain Picard mistaking the Doctor for a member of the Q Continuum!
Issue one of this is a fun read with gorgeous art and sets up the action of how the crews will meet and the mystery of the Borg and Cyberman union was born.
By Editor
P.S. Seeing the Doctor in Egypt brought memories of one of my favorite Tom Baker serials: The Pyramids of Mars. Mr. Moffat, if you’re looking to reboot a classic villain I humbly request to you revisit this classic.